Friday, October 2, 2009

Dear Random Anonymous Islam-hating blog stalker

Dear Random Anonymous Islam-hating blog stalker:

For your comment "Stop Oppression Against Women" ...I do. You wrote "hahahahah respect?you get respect from men by covering yourself up? this is insane, do you believe it yourself? i hope not.don't you understand what you are doing? you are supporting oppression against women! men tell women to cover themselves up to gain respect. and you believe in it..lame." Well Anon, I gew up not covering and now I do cover, and non muslim men DO give me more respect so I feel my point is proven ALREADY. If you have doubts and you are an attractive young woman, find a pretty pink headscarf and a plain comfy black shoulder abaya, and wear it at your work for a month. You'll see a difference in the way the men treat you. You won't need any other proof. But even beyond that, I LIKE what I am wearing. I could says that sunglasses are more uncomfortable for me than a face veil, that skinny jeans are waaaay more misognynist than an abaya, and that high heels are DEFINATELY more uncomfortable and suppressive of a woman's ability to do sports or accomplish things than a headscarf. I like my clothes. Get over it. If I wasn't a Muslim and I told you the same thing (because I dressed this way BEFORE I was Muslim too because I found I liked it) would you believe it? Ask ex pat women living in Dubai? Most of them try out the charm and ease of abaya once in a while. I personally dress in a way that I want to---I feel pretty, modest, and comfortable in my clothes, no one forces me to wear them, and I do not force others. I do not support laws enforcing hijab. Hijab is a personal thing, between a woman and God, her Creator. If you don't believe in God, well then my blog probably isn't for you, but you have to understand all Muslims believe the Qu'ran is directly from God, and that books like the Bible and Torah are also sources (though we believe the Qu'ran is the only direct and uncorrupted source).

"Yeah girls are so pretty when men tell them what to wear. Independent girls are ugly Oppressed women are cute. " Personally anon, I go by the dictionary definition of suppressed, which is, those who have no choice are suppressed. Honestly I think alot of the girls forced to wear blue Afghan chadors with mesh (aka the burqa) were suppressed and I feel sad for them. Nothing in Islam ENFORCES hijab. So Taliban hijab style is waaaaaaay wrong. But a woman that chooses to wear a niqab and an abaya from her own beliefs and does so in a way I find pretty, 'course I'm gonna say her style is cute. But some sad looking singer rubbing her half-naked body on a bunch of dancers in a music video to sell more CDS when her own talent is enough to, I am going to say that is a kind of suppression too. It is like Elizabeth Taylor. Everyone loved her when she was young and beautiful and now she is overweight and in a wheel chair and that same media that loved her makes jokes about her??? Being enslaved to youth, form, and beauty is another kind of suppression, one hijab (from one's own choice and conviction) frees you from.

You commented "It is said in the qoran that a woman shall never get attention with jewelleries and make up. So why are you wearing islamic oppression-sheets when you are not muslims- apparently?" Why do you care for details and decoration when you are told to cover yourself up with blankets?It is said in the qoran that you shall not ask for attention. Then do not and be a woman." Um, anon, do you mean abayas??? If you've even worn one, you'll know they are as comfortable as pajamas, and not opressive at all. That's why so many ex-pat women in the Gulf are happy to wear them, running errands, under no compulsion, and not even for any religious reason. As for wearing jewelry and make-up and designs on clothing, nowhere in the Q'uran does it tell us not to do anything of things you claim it forbids in another one of your awesomely educated. Women in the Prophet Mohammed sallalahu alahi wa salaam's time used to wear makeup in the form of henna and kohl (both of which he encouraged), he also complimented a woman for the pretty but simple designs on her garment which shows that some design is OBVIOUSLY allowed in Islam, and jewelry? Women in Islam are allowed to wear gold and men are not. Women in the early days of Islam wore anklets that made alot of noise and attracted some sensual attention when the women danced or stamped their feet with the purpose of attracting that attention. The Q'uran commanded those women not to stamp their feet, it never forbid them from wearing jewelry. Educate yourself darling, please, because you come across as ignorant, hateful, and still wanting to do good for women at the same time.

Am I a savage? You are thinking like men of the old world did with the native Americans when they discovered the New world. That you need to SAVE me, by taking away my way of life, my freedom to believe in peace. I don't need you or anyone else to think for me or rescue me. I am not suppressed/repressed/ OR oppressed. In Islam sexuality is for a time and place where it is protected, A STABLE AND MATURE LONGTERM RELATIONSHIP WHERE BOTH PARTIES ARE BOTH LEGALLY PROTECTED (financially and logically) THAT BOTH PARTIES AGREE TO AND OUTLINE THE DETAILS THEREOF.

To your question "do you dress modest at home or flaunt about in an evening dress?" If I am by myself and just want to play dress up, or it is a special occasion with close women friends who won't feel any emotion but pride in my apearence praising Allah for my sake, or I want to look nice for my family who will also be happy if I look beautiful and can afford nice things, then I will wear an evening dress, or jeans and a tshirt, OR pajamas, or a modest jalabiyia. It is up to me. Islam is not a religion that says do something, such as feign piety or change everything you are, for no reason. Allah Himself has said, that He is beautiful and loves beauty. What God doesn't love is the kind of human pride that is to make other human beings feel less of themselves. No man or woman that feels even a dust grain's weight of this kind of belittling pride will enter paradise (aka heaven). If there unrelated men present, I'll wear hijab---of course, or if there are those women who will feel less because of something I can physically wear because of an attractive physical attribute or financial means that they could never attain, I will dress in a way that we are equal sisters.

Part of the Islamic dress code is that it promotes a brotherhood and sisterhood that marks men and women equal but for their piety and good deeds. We are also supposed to be obviously recognizable as Muslims, not resembling pagans, Jews, and Christians, which is, women cover their chests with the headscarf, and wear an overgarment over their regular clothes while not trying to get male attention by wearing over-the-top makeup and tight clothing or jingling their jewelry or strong perfumes, and men wear loose fitting clothing that covers their belly-button to thighs and best the shoulders and have beards at LEAST a fist length long and do not wear gold or silk or anything that shows financial and social status in public (that can nowadays include flaunting fancy cars and gold pens and rolexs---remember, the Prophet sallalalhu alahi wa salaam, when as Caliph, he could have ridden the finest horses of the Arabs, he rode a donkey).

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