Thursday, December 31, 2009

Shopping Theraphy

1 November 2009 - Pink Lady, KB Mall

I found lots of beautiful yet cheap shawls here.
End up buying 3 shawls from the above collections.

17 Novemver 2009, OPTIMO, KB Mall

Just window shopping.

19 December 2009, Billion Shopping Center

at pesona afie boutique. bought 4 abayat with half price. alhamdulillah.

CR Boutique, a nice handbag for my mom.

nice dress at kf collection, a few shoplots from pesona afie boutique.

22 December 2009, Adik Boutique, Kota Sri Mutiara Shopping Complex.

where you can get batik, handicrafts, hijabs and islamic fashion.

lots and lots of big shawls and pashminas for sale. these are only one row. there are more there.
trying one of the shawl.

 a new dangling earring for my own satisfaction.

Shopping is always and adventure for me.
I usually shopped for books, abayat, hijabs, bags and shoes.
No... no... they are mostly not for me but by request from friends who live outside of Kelantan.
I love shopping for them especially when they asked me to find them nice, pretty and reasonably price abaya.
Shopping is always done after working hours on the way home.
So... is there anyone looking for something from Kota Bharu that I could help find?

Hehe... of course you have to pay for the goods.


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Life In Kelantan Is Wonderful!

Assalamualaikum wr wbt. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon us all.

First of all, I'd like to inform you that currently my life is very busy and I could not provide more time to blog. I did update my main blog, Keluargaku Sayang almost daily but KakChik's Wardrobe is a bit lacking. It's like I have one hundred things to do in just a few days before 2009 ended and all of them must be completed nicely. Oh, I wish I am a bionic woman so that I can .... I don't know.

Anyway, my story about life in Malaysia is not finish yet. And I'd like to continue a little bit on the story because I know some of you are waiting for it.

So, in tonight's story I am going to share why I find this place so wonderful. My writing will be brief because I am going to use many images of Kelantan through the lens of a photographer friend, Rizal Tahir. Let's continue ...

Kota Bharu The Islamic City - The State Capital
View from the 18th floor of the Kelantan Trade Center.

Although there aren't many high buildings or skyscrapers, I love this state to death because the physical  development is in tandem with the moral development of the community. We do have social problems and the State Government is doing its best to overcome them. No place on earth I think is clean from social problems.

Kelantan Trade Center, the newest addition to the Develop With Islam planning of Kelantan. 

At the KTC complex, there are condominium, hotel, grand ballroom and shoplots. I've been there twice especially at the ballroom because of a seminar and a fashion show.

 The Dataran Rehal is the place where almost every visitors and tourist like to visit.

It's like a big square block of land filled with parking lots for any kind of vehicles except for aeroplanes, surrounded with big brown stone pillars that have a replica of an open Qur'an on top of them. I have some pictures taken here with my niece Iffah last year but I coundn't find the album.

Praying terawikh under the big tents in town.
Alhamdulillah, ever since the State was ruled by the Pan Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS), Kelantan has introduce many policies which put Islam to the front such as:
  • No entertainment establishments are allowed in the State except for Islamic entertainment - if I have time I'll elaborate more on this next time, insyaAllah.
  • All women models for signboards, billboards, banners and posters should wear hijab.
  • Separate counters for male and female customers at the supermarkets.
These 3 are just examples, there are more.

 Vieling is common and by choice not cultural. However this is only common in Kelantan not the whole Malaysia.

Muslim women can wear whatever they like but in Kelantan you seldom see Muslim women without hijab. Most women cover themselves properly but you can also see those who choose fashion over proper hijab. Alhamdulillah you can see a niqabi anywhere because school students from the religious schools are allowed to wear niqabs in school. InsyaAllah Kelantan is a very nice place for a niqabi.

Isn't it wonderful? I'm getting sleepy and maybe that's it for the second part. InsyaAllah I'll continue when I have some spare time.

Thanks to Bro Rizal Tahir for allowing me to use his pictures here. If you'd like to see more of his collections, please visit his blog at MataKu Dan MataMu ... Beza Berbeza.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I may not be posting for a bit because my laptop has crashed on me :( Technology is so annoying! On the plus side.. if I can't get it fixed I'll just have to get a brand new shiny one, yayy (I hope it does though as I haven't backed anything up. Fantastic.) I'm writing this from a different laptop in case you were wondering lol..

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Outfit Ideas

Hmm think I'm guna nick my brothers eshamagh, I'm loving this look. Well, the headscarf look anyway, although a slightly looser, long sleeved version of that coat would be lush :D

The best way of drying baby's hands and feet gloves

Cute isn't it?

Bibik sure know how to use limited spaces and I'm laughing so much after seeing this.

Very cute!

After a tiring day,  I'm happy to come home and be humored by such a small thing.

Thank you bibik.

You've made my day.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

B*stards Strike Again..

Latest attempted terror attack.. He gave himself 3rd degree burns, hah, serves him bloody right. I wish he had finished himself off and all. Like Islam needs to look any worse than it already does..

Friday, December 25, 2009

Life In Malaysia, Specifically Kota Bharu, Kelantan

Assalamualaikum and a very blissful Juma'at to everyone. I've just came home from a very interesting Friday religious lecture in the town. Our Chief Minister is one inspirational person, no wonder he was number 42 among the 500 Influential Leader of the World.

One phrase from him that got stucked really firm inside my head and my heart is, "Sins are like cholestrol in our body." So true. This is a very sound argument if we want to debate about why we need to be a good Muslim with people who only use logic as their arguments.

Enough about that and I hope everyone will ponder more on the phrase. Let's read the story of my life in this country that I've promised before.

1. I tend to base my story more about my life in Kota Bharu because I live here most of my life.
2. This is MY STORY and MY EXPERIENCES so please don't expect me to satisfy your expectation. It might crushed you.
3. I might say something bad about certain things but it's all due to my understanding of what Islam wants us to do on this world regardless of where you are and who you are.
4. DO NOT QOUTE ME but you can believe whatever you want and vice versa. I will do my best to write the truth.
5. I write this to promote my country especially my homestate, Kelantan.

See... I have to make a disclaimer because I don't want people saying that I'm looking for cheap publisity. This is my story of my love for my birthplace where I've treasure a beautiful life as a practicing Muslim. I'm so grateful and thankful to Allah for giving me a chance to be a Kelantanese Malaysian. Alhamdulillah.

My writing in English is not so great and I have to think a bit harder to compile suitable words to form my story. So, it will be quite uninteresting for native speakers. What I really wish is that you will understand what I'm saying, correctly.

Living in Malaysia is Marvelous!
Of course! Because you are FREE to practice your religion, be it Islam, Hindu, Buddha, Christian or paganism as long as you RESPECT the national religion which is ISLAM.

Being Muslim, and have been born in a Muslim family, have all Muslim relatives, living with Muslims neighbours, can easily and freely learn about Islam anywhere, I find this land is a marvelous place that Allah has bestow upon me to live in. be continued

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Square Hijab Tutorial

In under 30 seconds..

OK, I thought it was funny lool :D He's a revert, Masha'Allah, from Finland! His other videos are actually really good (and slightly more serious). I think they would benefit reverts and born Muslims alike, unlike some other converts videos that are just a bit, well, fickle.

Beautiful Blue Set

Items in this set:
Al-Hijaab - Unique Islamic clothing for all : The Jilbabs Collection :, 30 GBP
Ankle-Strap Jeweled Stilettos, $170
Convertible Croc-Grain Satchel with Scarf, $35
Vanita' - Blue Murano Glass Stone Pendant - Masini, $168
Sterling Silver Rings, Unique Silver Rings at Jewelry, $154

This set was made 9 months ago but it still one of my favourite.  I hope it will give someone an inspiration in assembling an full attire.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Remove the PIC before I take legal action!

Assalamualaikum dear friends and readers.

This is a short notice to Malaysiakini and who ever has copied certain picture/s from my blog.

Please REMOVE it immediately! I'm not please to see that YOU COPIED it and CROPPED it and use it freely in your website.


Your action is not ethical at all. REMOVE IT!



Anyone, please RESPECT the owner's wish.

A Giant Bear Hug from Hajar.

Thank you Hajar for this award. 

I'm so in need of a hug now.

With all those worries, getting a giant bear hug would make me feel cared and loved.

I wish to hug you back.

And to all dear friends, this is for you too.

Nabila's Pick Of The "Week"

I don't think I've done one of these posts in a month or so but I'm not going to switch to Nabila's pick of the month :S. Anywayy, here's her outfit:

I love the polka dot dress, but couldn't find a nice one when I was doing my version of her look. So instead, I picked a cute polka dot cardigan ^-^ Paired with a simple blue dress and wide leg jeans, I think it would work:

Polka Dots

More coming soon, Insha'Allah!

Stop worrying and start living.

Yes, that's what Mr. Carnegie said in his book, How To Stop Worrying And Start Living.

Image source: Here

However, after reading the two important chapters, I'm still worry about many things. Maybe not too much but still inside my heart there's some part that doesn't want to stop worrying.

I worry about the final meeting of the Library where I have to present the new year's plan and also answers several questions regarding the account. Oh, I hate it when I am responsible for accounts. I'm not very good with all those confusing calculations. Actually, there someone else doing the day-to-day account but at the end of every month I will have to review everything. I really wish that this Library would hire someone with a good accounting background. This is the downside of working in a small organization. Anyway, the most important thing is I haven't pay all my 'debts' with the Library this year. I tried as best as I could but I know I fail.

Relocating my bookshop also makes me worry. There are so much works to do and I am out of strength and almost out of capital. After more than 4 years doing business at the current location, my bookshop needs a change to survive. The demands from customers and clients could not be fulfilled if I choose to stay there. Crowds are not increasing because of the limited parking space and also the busy traffic in front of the bookshop make it more difficult for customers to come. Their complains are mostly about the parking space and also the location. Next week, before 31st. Dec come, we have to clean up everything and move out from there and move into the new premise in one of the shopping mall in town. I'm scratching my head regarding this move yet, I'm gonna stand firm with my decision. May Allah help me.

More worries are from the accumulated debts with my books suppliers. Currently there are 6 suppliers waiting for me to pay them. I try paying them every month as much as I can but it's so hard to pay up every thing. I hate having debts with people. These suppliers sent me books almost every months although I prefer they wait for my orders first but I know they believe in me that's why they did that. Anyway, because of that, I end up with debts, quite a lot. One publisher is very considerate, I'm allowed to return books that are not sold. I'm so thankful to the company. May Allah bless them.

Building a new home is giving me a lot of worries. My home-loan's source is FAMA abbreviation of father and mother. It's difficult to apply for loans from bank because both me and husband are not Government workers. I can apply but the loan rates are way higher than the rates for government staff. It's gonna be a burden. The building of the house started during Ramadhan 1429 and it should be finish around June this year. Sadly, it takes longer than that and until today, I'm still living with my parent and the house is waiting for the windows to be fitted in and also electricity. *Sigh*

So, Mr. Carnegie, I will continue reading the next chapter while I try doing your suggestions. Hopefully with my determination and Allah's help, I can stop all these worries and face all the challenges with a wise and stable mind.

O Allah! Please give me strength.
O Allah! Please help me overcome all these challenges with good outcomes.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Showercap Hijab.. Quite Like It Actually

What wonderful style she has?

(..Okayy, I find her style quite offensive but she's grinning so inanely that I feel bad being mean :S)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Blue Dress

Quite an original name if I do say so myself:

Blue Dress

(Haram Police: OK, I know the dress is tight but the jacket deals with that.. don't kill me..)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Beneath This Niqaab

Asalamu alaykum warahmatulahi ta'alaa wabarakatu my dear sister in faith. I'd like to share with you all another astonishing peace of work regarding the beauty of the veil(niqab). I ask Allah swt to bless greatly the one who shared with us as well as the one that have read it and passed it along. Please keep on sharing the kheyr. Wabaraka'Allahu fiikum.Wa salamu alaykum.

Beneath this niqaab
Thoughftul lips do utter: " You envy not the life of lowliness"

Beneath this niqaab
The warmth of love has reached my station with tenderness!

Beneath this niqaab
The name of my Creator - is hung on the wall of my mind!

Beneath this niqaab
Hijab is my honor and the strongest shield of piety that i find

Beneath this niqaab
I lower my wing as I put the pride and arrogance all behind

Beneath this niqaab
I am from the magnificent nation ever produced for mankind

Beneath this niqaab
Women like Sumayyah has brought me up shoulder high

Beneath this niqaab
I encountered the fragrance of happiness in its joyous sigh

Beneath this niqaab
Nay, do I seem to care of what the blamers say or illustrate

Beneath this niqaab
I drink lovely from the Prophetic Inheritance in its pure state

Beneath this niqaab
I turn the pages of the past and to the present I gladly relate

Beneath this niqaab
Time does testify again that I am the slave of the Most Great!

Beneath this niqaab
Ah, paradise has exposed itself to me lovingly in its all beauty

Beneath this niqaab
I am proud to be among the vieled - fulfilling such worthy duty!

Beneath this niqaab
I am a Muslim woman - and indeed there is more than a flesh

Beneath this niqaab
I refuse to [drown] myself in the rivers of disgrace and stress

Beneath this niqaab
Roses in my garden astonishingly open to a colorful success

Beneath this niqaab
My heart dances with a pleasure that [words] cannot express!

This is copied from a friend's facebook account. Thank you Zahidah Zaiton.

I am back!

Assalamualaikum dear friends and readers. It's the new year and I pray to Allah that all of us will be a better servants to Him by being a better Muslims, spreading more love and peace where ever we are.

Alhamdulillah the final exam finished on last Thurday's afternoon and I've been doing a lot of things ever since. I thought I would have more time to rest but my bookshop is moving out to a new location by the end of this month and I'm also got to finish many tasks at the Library before January. Life can never be more happening for me than the end of December.

While, I'm doing all that, I have draft my first part for LIFE IN MALAYSIA series. InsyaAllah I'm hoping to publish it by the end of this week. With the MOVING OUT SALE and the YEAR END SALE for my both business venture, I feel like I need more energy and help. May Allah give me the ability to handle all these.

So, that's it for now. Wassalam.


OK, I was bored. It's also kiiind of revising...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Why Do Women Impluse Buy So Much More Than Men?

My wardrobe is bursting at the seams. I actually feel quite sorry for it. And if I hadn't just (stupidly) spent 9 bloody pounds on a hijab magazine from 2hijab (an impulse buy, which I now wholly regret), I would now be buying several of these amazing and sensible scarf holders from Ikea which hold 28 scarves, would bring my wardrobe back from the brink of death and are only 2.99..! Click on the pic to check them out if, unlike me, you actually want to buy something that's useful..
Although I'm sure by the time the magazine actually arrives I will have forgotten all about it's price tag, this latest regretful purchase of mine leaves me with the burning question: why do men not have this impulse buy problem? They are so strange, they actually research into an item for ages, weigh up the pros and cons, find the best deal and then make a calculated decision on weather or not to purchase said item which they almost always need. Now this is possibly the first and last time you'll ever hear me saying this and it's rather hard to admit, but when it comes to shopping, not fashion - actually buying stuff, men beat women hands down. I know it, you know it (deep down lol) and unfortunately, magazine companies know it..
So the take home message for me is, the next time I'm about to flippantly click the pay button, I'll man up and make a calculated, military decision to hit the 'X' button instead.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

An Almost Perfect Dress :D

While using the internet as a trusty means of avoiding the ever increasing chemistry revision I have waiting for me today, I came across the almost perfect dress in ASOS. If it wasn't for the 3/4 length sleeves I wouldn't be waiting for it to go into the sale as it is only 25 pounds!! Although I tend to stick to wide leg jeans, I think straight cuts (not skinnies..) would be fine with this dress as it's so long. I'm now debating weather to buy it now while they still have my size OR do some revision so I have an excuse to buy it OR wait until midnight on Xmas to see if it goes into the sale and then buy weather or not it is.. and to make the decision even more difficult, p&p/returns are free.. hmm what a predicament I find myself in..

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Life In Malaysia: My Perspectives

Assalamualaikum wr wbt.

Dear friends and readers,

This is going to be a short update while I'm still in 'hibernation' :)
I have been thinking of writing a series of entries about my life in this country not just on behalf of a friend's request but also because I think it would be an interesting thing to blog about. Furthermore, it is something very close to my heart and I would be sharing things that I like and don't like which hopefully can be of benefits to others.

it's in Kota Bharu, Kelantan

InsyaAllah I'll be sharing my first story about living here after my final exam. Meanwhile I have already gather some points that I'll be highlighting in my stories. Please remember, these stories that I'll be sharing are stories from my own perspectives so people might say I'm bias or something because I would be writing a lot about my home state, Kelantan. I hope readers will respect what I'm going to say in my upcoming entries.

I will try to write about my own experiences in living here spesifically in Kelantan and a few other places that I've stayed for a year and more. I hope it will give you valuable information about Malaysia (aka Kelantan) and some interesting insight of why I love this place.

Till then, wassalam.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

"Sorry.. I'm Busy"

I'm reaaally sorry to anybody who has emailed me recently with post requests and hasn't had a reply. I'm not being a stuck-up rude cow, I'm just really busy with university and stuff at the moment. I think I've already mentioned I have exams coming up after Xmas, so please excuse me of my rudeness lol. For what it's worth, I do read every email (apart from the ones that claim I have billions of pounds waiting for me in an African bank somewhere..) and try to answer them.


Zaenab :D

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

19 Facts On The Number 19 In The Holy Quran

I love reading about mathematical and scientific miracles of the Quran. It strengths my Iman, especially if I'm having a selfish 'off' day lol and also reminds me that science and religion are in no way separate like many scientists claim (it's amazing how they try to use Allah (swt) creations to disprove His existence.. Anyway, I came across the significance of the number 19 (from this site) in the Quran and thought I'd share it, it's quite interesting:

1. The first verse (1:1), known as "Basmalah," consists of 19 letters.

2. The Quran consists of 114 suras, which is ..............19 x 6.

3. The total number of verses in the Quran is 6346, or ....19 x 334.[6234 numbered verses & 112 un-numbered verses (Basmalahs) 6234+112 = 6346] Note that 6+3+4+6 =.......19.

4. The Basmalah occurs 114 times, despite its conspicuous absence from Sura 9 (it occurs twice in Sura 27) & 114= 19x6.

5. From the missing Basmalah of Sura 9 to the extra Basmalah of Sura 27, there are precisely ...............19 suras.

6. It follows that the total of the sura numbers from9 to 27 (9+10+11+12+...+26+27) is 342, or .............19 x 18.

7. his total (342) also equals the number of words between the two Basmalahs of Sura 27, and 342 = ........19 x 18.

8. The famous first revelation (96:1-5) consists of .......19 words.

9. This 19-worded first revelation consists of 76 letters .19 x 4.

10. Sura 96, first in the chronological sequence, consists of ..............19 verses.

11. This first chronological sura is placed atop the last ..19 suras.

12. Sura 96 consists of 304 Arabic letters, and 304 equals .19 x 16.

13. The last revelation (Sura 110) consists of ............19 words.

14. The first verse of the last revelation (110:1) consists of ...........................19 letters.

15. 14 different Arabic letters, form 14 different sets of"Quranic Initials" (such as A.L.M. of 2:1), and prefix 29 suras. These numbers add up to 14+14+29 = 57 = ......19 x 3.

16. The total of the 29 sura numbers where the Quranic Initials occur is 2+3+7+...+50+68 = 822, and 822+14(14 sets of initials) equals 836, or ................. 19 x 44.

17. Between the first initialed sura (Sura 2) and the last initialed sura (Sura 68) there are 38 un-initialed suras 19 x 2.

18. Between the first and last initialed sura there are ....19 sets of alternating "initialed" and "un-initialed" suras.

19. The Quran mentions 30 different numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80,99, 100, 200, 300, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 50,000, &100,000. The sum of these numbers is 162146, which equals 19x8534.

Monday, December 7, 2009

I'll be hibernating this blog for a few days until ...

my final exam is finish.

Assalamualaikum wr wbt to all my friends and readers.

I'm really sorry for not posting any new updates since 3 days ago. There are many things that have happened in those days but I don't really know why I can't blogged about them. Every time I write a few lines, I keep running out of words and vocabs so, I save it as draft thinking that I'll get back to finish it. However, I just stare at the screen blankly and inside my mind, a jumble of thoughts are competing with each other to be the idea for my update. Well... I think I need a little rest. Maybe it's all due to my final exam which will be sat in a few days.

I shall be back, soon. InsyaAllah with a special story about life in Malaysia specifically in my home state, Kelantan. I know, my friend Sacrifice4Allah is anticipating that story. Please pray that I can write it sooner. For the time being, I'm going to focus more time for revision and will just update my KeluargakuSayang's blog (that depends too on my mood).

I guess, I can only hope that you'll pray for me to be able to answer all questions correctly in my final exam. After this semester, I only one more year to finish my diploma. Years before I graduated with a degree in Computer Science, insyaAllah soon I'll have a diploma in Early Childhood Education. May Allah bless me with clear head so that I can easily understand and remember the important points and objectives of my studies. That will be a big help when I sit for the papers.

Until then, you will always be in my mind and du'a. Wassalam.

Image is from here.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hmm.. Not Feeling It..

The one on the left looks like she's being weighed down by granite stuck to her abaya..

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Muslims : Sunset ( word contest)
Created by muslimgirl♥
Type in 'sunset' in the search space when you are creating a set. What do you find? Create a set with these items. The colour scheme of course will be sunset colours ( pink, orange, yellow, etc. ) 12 winners, two weeks, no limit! . Hijabi are highly welcomed!! GOODLUCK :) If you have any questions PM me! Ill be happy to answer them~

If you like my sets, please vote for me. TQVM.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Bought this magazine just because...

the cover is interesting.

NONA, End of Year Issue

Assalamualaikum everyone!
May peace and blessings of Allah be upon us all.
I'm back in the office today after a week of Eid holiday. The special things of working at this Islamic community library is that I will always have a week holiday for every Eids. Fun isn't it?
Well, back to the magazine above, I seldom bought this NONA magazine because the size is too big for my bag and also I'm not very interested in the issues inside. Not because they are not fun to read but because I already have 3 muslimah magazines that I bought regularly and the contents are almost the same.
However, a few days before Eid, I was captured by it's cover. Anyone can guess?
Oh, okay... the models are wearing (gorgeous) abayat. You know I can't resist, so I just bought it just to ogle at those abayat, LOL.
Inside you can see the stories of each models, I'm not gonna tell you about it because most Malaysian know them already. All are hijabi celebrities. Anyway, let's look at their abayat:

sorry for the not so nice picture, I just snap it from the magazine

Actress Aida Radzwill.

Actress/TV Presenter Wardina Safiyyah

ex-TV Presenter, Datin Norjuma

Their abayat are nice to look at but not suitable at all for a commoner like me. They are too fancy but gorgeous. It must cost a ton. I haven't read the full story yet so I can't tell who's the designer of those abayat. I think he/she is a Malaysian designer.

Artizara - A Quick Reveiw

If you know anything about hijabs online then you will have probably have come across at some point during your searches on the net. I generally like the site, especially the formal wear that they have, as they can actually be classed as modest enough to wear in a mixed environment unlike some of the shockers being called hijab that I have seen on other Islamic sites lol. Here are some I like:

My favorite, I really want it! The ruffled sleeves are so cute :D

Traditional galabya, lovely:

Gold or Brown? Decisions, decisions..

OK, this isn't formal, but I have a thing for cardigans, especially big knitted ones like this:

The site is worth a look, so for prices and the rest of their collection, click here. Would just like to state that I have not shopped at this particular site before so cannot review their service myself, however, I have checked reviews from independent sites and all seems good! (P.S. 15% off all new customer orders!).

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Long overdue

Assalamualaikum warahamatullah wabarakatuh. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon us all.

Alhamdulillah because tonight it is very peaceful and quiet. No rain and no kids messing around my room. Actually 3 of them have already gone home with their Ummi and the other 4 have someone else to pester especially their tired parent. Hehe... I feel so blessed and I can surf the Net. Yey!

Since two days ago my camera is having a bit of a problem. I couldn't download all the pictures to the lappy. Maybe there's something wrong with the memory card. I have no mood to look into it yet so just leave it aside for now.

Looking through my recent picture albums I remember my promise to share with you how I made my own hijab complete with a matching niqab. Last week I finished making all the 3 hijab promised for a friend in Kuching, Sarawak. Alhamdulillah. However I feel so sorry because I only managed to send them yesterday by courier because of health problem.

Above is one of the hijab which is still in the making. I've cut out the shape for the hijab and also the niqab. The hijab was sewn using sewing machine but I sewn the niqab by hand. My mom's sewing machine is old so the thread is not very good. Hopefully the friend would be ok with it.

I don't even have enough time to check it all out thoroughly before sending them. That's making me quite uneasy for doing something like that. I always remind myself to do things thoroughly if it is for someone else but this time around I have disregard that rule.

May she find all of the hijabs and niqabs are to her satisfaction. I'll post other in-the-making pictures soon when the problem with camera is solved.
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