An overgarment (jilbab) is a fard obligation of hijab as agreed upon by the scholars of the four madhabs
http://ilovehishmatheblog.blogspot.com/2009/03/not-imitating-disbelievers-and-what.html. A jilbab (in the least strict opinion) must comprise of pieces of clothing or fabric that are loose enough to cover an inner layer clothing when you leave the home. Pants are not a true overgarment in the opinion of any of the scholars but if they worn out of necessity for your safety in an endeavor, there is evidence to say this is permissable. I am gonna state, I don't wear this, because I don't believe pants can BE a jilbab, and the Prophet (S.A.W) forbid women from leaving the home without a jilbab, but if you are of the opinion from your research that pants can be worn as jilbab or you need to have mobility of the legs for an urgent endeavor that cannot be avoided and there is more benefit for you to do this thing than there is if you do not, you need to know how to wear pants in the manner closest resembling jilbab as possible. Unlike some scholars, I personally do not think pants count a resembling men's clothing because many cultures have women wearing very feminine pants so I have no problem doing this post. As a new hijabi, with no other means out there, I totally used to wear pants, and I think they can be modest clothing if worn in the manner to be described, but in my own opinion they, for the most part, fail to meet the conditions of jilbab (mainly the first one, that it be an overgarment).
To wear pants so that they resemble jilbab step #1: wear wide leg pants/trouser. Skinny jeans or tights count as clothed but naked and are not hijab in the slightest. If you could not confortably fit a pair of boot-cut jeans or a mid-thigh mini skirt into these pants they are not loose enough to wear in front of non-maharam men.

To wear pants so that they resemble jilbab step #2: wear a tunic top that covers at least to the knee, else the necessary parts of your body won't be covered. Since (as you can see from the pic of the purple shukr pants above) the pants will still show the V of the private area and the shape of your butt, and this must be covered by an additional garment that falls at least to the knee to have all the necessary areas covered. With your top worn correctly, and your legs somewhat close together, it should appear that you are wearing a skirt and modest top over your regular clothing.
To wear pants so that they resemble jilbab step #3: if your pants are tighter, cover with top at least to mid thigh though the ankles are best. This way the top is acting as the jilbab, and this is closer to what the respected scholars' opinions about what jilbab is than pants acting as the jilbab anyway.
A good place to buy wide leg pants is
http://www.shukronline.com/womens-pants.html and a good post about why wearing pants if so often bad hijab
http://hegab-rehab.blogspot.com/2009/02/pants-i-dont-hate-them-100.html BTW, I am not copying Ange's post in anyway, since I posted these pictures that she has also used on BM a long time ago (not that I think Ange would mind at all) stating what was hijab about them, and what wasn't. I love all my sisters for the sake of Allah (S.W.T), and I wish for none of us to miss out on the scent of Jannah, because we were clothed, but still appeared as if naked.

BTW, I did also want to point out in my post, that the hijab worn by the beautiful pants models in my set does not cover the chest, and is thus not Islamic hijab. The Qu'ran was quite clear on how the headress (khimar) should be worn, and it should be styled to that the head in its entirety, including the neck, ears, and chest (and in some lesser held opinions the chin--- but this one I disagree with) are covered, or else, in the words of Baba Ali
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6AvYJih8A4----IT'S NOT HIJAB.
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