I am starting this new set on I♥ Hishma called "hijab2niqab" where I will feature an Islamic clothing item that will appeal in both a style and utility sense to both hijab-only, and niqab-wearing sisters. I will try and match both a khimar and a niqab with the featured item. I hope you all like this new section, which will be added to the already existant sets, "Muslim Women of the World", "Modesty Make-Over", "Suit-case Stylings", "Abaya of the Month", and "Study of the Month". InshaAllah some sisters will find this new set useful, since I don't want to be accused of neglecting any of my sisters.
The first item featured in I♥ Hishma 's new "Hijab2Niqab" section is this Abaya Warda from a Dutch Islamic Website. It is a beautiful farasha/butterfly cut abaya in a light pebble mauve with a very elegant raspberry-coloured trim in an Islamic design. The cut is extremely modest and elegant, and it comes with a matching shayla which will be everything (beyond accessories) Islamically necessary for your average muhajababe (aka hijabi). The abaya costs $44.95 Euros which is roughly $62.00 USD, and the company is safe to order from (by word of mouth from other sisters), and ships internationally to most places. The website Dutch clothing website is not in English, but is relatively easy to manouever around. For the niqabi, how about a Lace Georgette Niqab Set in Burgundy in a very conservative cut that will match very well for $22.50 USD (I have heard the shipping on this site is slow but reliable---as I have found is such with most companies out of Egypt). A pretty beige niqab will suffice as well if you are not daring enough for raspberry. I like this one Beige 2 Layers Niqab - Velcro Fastening for $5.99 GBP (and this site is also safe to order from). This site http://www.al-mujalbaba.com/georsquarmat.html also has very inexpensive elastic half niqabs for the starter niqabi and you can order a tonne in a bunch of different colours. I have ordered from this site also, and recieved my order promptly. I sometimes have toruble personally with elastic half niqabs because sometimes the elastics are too big for one's head but the colour selection on this site is incredible so if I need a match for a difficult shade I try here.
For accessories with this abaya, I like a raspberry flat peep toe and socks of the same and a raspberry bag. A raspberry ring and bracelet are extras, and sunglasses to cover any eyemake-up that might be worn by the hijabi sister. Same accessories for the niqabi sister. Since I am a big bright lipstick girl, niqab is the safest bet with dark berry shades. Annnnd, although you have to wear it underneath your abaya because it can never be worn as safe hijab, I love this cute little jumper. It is casual and sexy and comfy and soooooooo me:D

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