Tickets were sold at the old I LOVE HISHMA store location. Gustosho was a fashion show that integrated clothes from several stores into an image of hijab. The stores who participated were initiated by young women entrepreneurs. The goals of the fashion show were to achieve two objectives: (1) give recognition and publicity to young women's activities, and (2) portray Hijab in a more favorable, friendly, trendy way. With globalization extending its arms to us, we fear that our beautiful religious obligation of Hijab is drifting away as many Muslims seek to "westernize" themselves. Through this fashion show, we wanted to show that there is a place for a Muhajjaba woman amidst global trendsetting. We want our place on the map, and if we don't assert it, it will without a doubt be taken away from us indirectly. Gustosho Fashion Show was our statement…To those who are already covered: You are appreciated, and this fashion show will help you shop! To those who aren't covered: This is how Hijab could look with a little bit of style and a lot bit of faith. To those who aren't Muslim: See the beauty of our religion and recognize our symbol of Islam. 

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