Don't let the pastel of our logo, or the colours of our labels fool you, we are a different kind of revolution. One that starts from the core on out.
Welcome, Join the rebellion!
Fe Amman Elah
Fe Amman Elah
Love D,
creative director and partner/owner of I♥ Hishma
Salaam alaykom ladies, this is Pixie here. Kiss kiss, Saudi style.
LOL. Oooooooookay, and anyways. The goal of I♥ Hishma is everything conservative, everything hijab, and just being creative about that, in a world that is trying to reject hijab as being "not modern enough". We want sisters to love their hijab, and to wear it properly, no matter which culture they live in, and at the same time we want to offer and encourage creative choice in hijab, because we truly do believe that helps stop the rejection of hijab as an anitquated notion. While I personally am a big fan of black abayas and niqab, I think there are many ways to wear proper hijab, and dress modestly, and modesty is a modern concept. This blog will hopefully help with shopping links, outfit ideas, and a few hijab appropriate guidelines.
Love you all for the sake of Allah subhanu wa'tala,

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