Picture courtesy from Google. I think these Muslimah are Indian Muslims or Pakistani. Beautiful.
Assalamualaikum to all my dear readers.
Have you ever came across any articles saying that Muslimah cannot wear colourful clothing? Well, I beg to differ. Although I'm a niqabi and like wearing dark dresses especially black abayas, I won't say it's haram to wear colours.
Allah is Jamiilun which means He likes beautiful things and beautiful things come from a wide variety of colours. And beauty is so subjective too. IMHO, as long as we cover ourselves modestly and the only intention is to please Allah, then go ahead. And please do not judge other Muslimah who wears colourful attire because some time it got to do with cultures and backgrounds.
The things that we need to remember are:
- the dress should be covering the aurah - aurah compliance
- does not attract attention - depends on situation
- makes us feel humble to our Creator
As for me, I wear colourful dresses almost everyday. If the colour is too bright, I'll put on a black abaya on top. Just try to be comfortable, confident yet enjoying the beautiful colours of materials. As long as it's aurah compliance.
"Muslims should possess both an inner and outer modesty. This is reflected in behavior, speech and appearance, and includes being mindful of God at all times."Read more: "Modesty (Haya) in Islam: Shyness and Modest Behavior According to Qur’an and Hadith" - http://quran-hadith-studies.suite101.com/article.cfm/modesty_haya_in_islam#ixzz0EYW5L1TL&A
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