Dear sisters, I do recommend you do this style with a pashmina a light non-see-through shayla instead of piece of see-through lace because the Prophet sallalahu allahi wa sallam did say that see through clothing was to be one of reasons women would be in Jahanum (hell). Much love to ya`ll for the sake of Allah subhanhu wa ta`ala!
****In the video this sister mentions make-up being halal. This sister is correct, the Prophet`s wives did wear eye-liner, but not mascara (the Prophet sallalhu alahi wa salaam never went on about the health benefits of mascara-he did with kohl), so it is halal to wear kohl since one of the companions was also of the opinion that this was allowed to show on a woman, but remember, they did not line their eyes into cat`s eyes, they applied the kohl to the inner rim of their eyes, and when they left their home, they only had one eye showing, not two, in their jilbab, may Allah be pleased with them. They pulled the jilbab so it covered everything of their bodies but what was necessary to see the way. On the status of daleel, it is halal to wear, but safer not to is the consensus of the ulema. Allah subhanhu wa ta `ala knows best. I personally feel fine with modest make up, since some of the companions were of the opinion that this was allowed to show. Others were not, so both opinions to me are valid. Crazy party sexy make up make-up though, ruins the WHOLE point of hijab, so bear that in mind.
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