Removing hair from the eyebrows is haraam no matter what means you use to dispense with that hair. This is because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said: Allah has cursed those women who modify their eyebrows or ask others to do it for them (Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim). That means shaping the brows into pretty arabic eyes like these...
is haraam. Not hijab. What does it matter if you are wearing hijab, but you are cursed anyways? subhanAllah. I shake my head sometimes. Some girls seem to think it is okay to shape the brows (but not too much) because Aisha R.A said to remove what is harmful (unnatural) to one. Here is what she said in context, may Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala be pleased with her:
Note, the woman said forehead. Scholars have taken that to mean you may remove a unibrow---something that is unnatural for you to have. Also any hairs that make you resemble a man, such as chin hairs, or a mustache. Not the brow itself, which the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam told you to keep and was beautiful for you---part of Allah's creation not to be altered by men---in the same category as tatooing or filing the teeth.
Ladies, please don't go growing a mustache because the kafirun want you to, the same way I beg you please don't thin your lovely brows because some kafirun have deemed it "en Vogue". This is a major source of fitna for our Muslim sisters! Especially, in the traditionally Muslim countries, where you see girls in perfect hijab, but accursed altered brows.
Natural brows are lovely brows. See celebs like Rachel Weisz wearing them. They suit a woman. 
For more on the subject http://qa.sunnipath.com/issue_view_print.asp?ID=55

Dr. al-Qaradawi in his book, The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam has mentioned that "Al-Tabari reports a narrative concerning the wife of Abu Ishaq, who loved to beautify herself. Once she visited 'Aisha -may Allah be pleased with her- and asked, 'What if a woman removes the hair from her forehead to please her husband?' 'Aisha -may Allah be pleased with her- said, 'Remove what is harmful from yourself whenever possible.' " (see p. 90)

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