There is a story, narrated by sister Umm Abdulrahman, in a lecture we attended - the "sister what you can, should and must do!" lecture. She was talking about the main role of a muslim woman as a mother and a murabiya (raising children) and she questioned the mothers of our ummah today and how exactly they are raising their kids.. mainly what techniques they use to build that love for Allah swt wa rasuluh and deen al-islam within their children and making them leaders of our ummah who would raise the deen of Allah swt most high.
There was a little boy who went to his mother and told her:"mummy, mummy I've grown up, I'm a big man now!". His mother looked at him and said "no you have'nt grown up". The boy was confused, and tried proving that he has. She looked at him in his eyes and said "You have not seen prophet muhammad pbuh yet. You will not grow up until you see the rasul saaw in your dreams".
[Contemplate here: in most scenarios mothers would tell their children, "oh yes dear, your a very big boy. as strong as superman!" to show them they are capable of anything, and allahu a3lam superman later becomes their role model as well].
The boy so adamant of growing up and being a man said "but how can I see prophet muhammad pbuh in my dream?" His mother replied "well, you must learn about his life, read quran and hadith, follow his sunnah like using a siwaak, fasting, praying the sunnah prayers etc - follow what he advised us to do and try to be just like him" Then the boy went, on his journey doing as his mother said, trying to achieve his aim of growing up and being a man. And one day, the little boy ran to his mother and said "mummy, mummy I've grown up, I'm a big man now!" and again his mother replied as she did before "no you have'nt, until you see rasul Allah pbuh in your dream". Then the little boy broke into tears saying "I saw rasul Allah pbuh in my dream last night.." and cried even more saying "who am I to deserve seeing such a perfect man?"
And there we go, subhan allah.. The little boy not only achieved his dream of being a grown up man, but he also saw the best man to ever cross the surface of this earth, rasul Allah pbuh, when he was only 7 years of age. La illaha illa Allah. Fellow murabiyaat* and murabiyaat-to be .. what are your thoughts?
***Keep in mind this not only applies to the mothers out there, but the fathers as well and the fathers-to-be insha'Allah
One of our possible roles as Muslim women, is as teachers, teachers of the Qu'ran and hadith, Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala's commandments, the Prophet Mohammed sallalahu allahi wa salaam's sunnah (his example to mankind). We must attend the Masjids and read as much as possible to obtain the knowledge to be able to fulfill this natural role. There is more to being a Muslim mother than simply having a baby and feeding it, and seeing that is goes to university and gets a good job in adulthood. Any good disbelieving woman can also accomplish that also. It is our role as Muslim women, even more so than the Imam at the Masjid or the Shiekh at the madrassa, to teach young Muslim men and women (as children) about their Islam.
If you have children, think of something that you may learn so that you may teach your children more of the deen. Live the sunnah more in your own lives to be good example.
If you have no children yet, understand the importance of your education so that one day soon you might know the urgency of it. The ummah, from its infancy, was always dependent on the mother's of the believers, may Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala be pleased with them.
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