Assalamualaikum dear readers.
It's another night when I can't focus on my revision. I blog hopping and feel so bored. Tonight Hubby should be giving an Islamic lecture at the 'kampung' mosque and he hasn't come home yet. 9.32pm. Ladies, I am bored. Hmm... maybe I just share with you about my State.
Please bear with me because I'm kind of lazy now and not a very good tourist guide. I've googled all the appropriate pictures and let's start the tour. This is not gonna be very well organized so, bear with me.
It's another night when I can't focus on my revision. I blog hopping and feel so bored. Tonight Hubby should be giving an Islamic lecture at the 'kampung' mosque and he hasn't come home yet. 9.32pm. Ladies, I am bored. Hmm... maybe I just share with you about my State.
Please bear with me because I'm kind of lazy now and not a very good tourist guide. I've googled all the appropriate pictures and let's start the tour. This is not gonna be very well organized so, bear with me.
This is the simple map of Kelantan.

My home is in a kampung (village) called Pulau Melaka, located some where in the district of Kota Bharu (state capital).
This state is ruled by the opposition party known as Malaysian Pan Islamic Party (PAS). The Chief Minister of Kelantan is the pious and humble state leader, Tuan Guru Haji Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat (pic below). We love this person because he really cares about what he preaches and his people. Ever since he became the CM the State Government has gradually implement Islamic way of life in everything under it's power. Alhamdulillah.

The Wau or kite is one of the traditional past time games. This is the traditional kite of Kelantan known as Wau Bulan or the Moon Kite. hehehe maybe because the ruling party use the moon symbol in their flag.... sorry I'm just kidding. Nowadays it is only played once in a while but we also have yearly International Kite Festival.

Samples of food that you can taste in Kelantan. Every night market have these.

Batik is the well known clothes produced by Kelantanese. It is formally wore on Thursday in every government departments in Kelantan. This pictures are only a few samples.

Another Kelantanese favourite dessert, the Dodol or glutinuos cake made from coconut milk, brown sugar, glutinuos rice and water ( I'm not so sure about the exact ingredients - need to check with Ummi). Sticky and sweet.

The beautiful teenagers of the best Islamic girls school in the state, the Maahad Muhammadi Lil Banaat. This school has produced (I don't know the right word) so many brilliant Muslimah in academic and deen.

The age old vehicle, the trishaw or locally known as 'teksi'. Don't get confuse with the taxi @ cab in your country. We do have taxis here but this one is very historic. If you want to tour the city in a laid back kind of transport, I think you should try this teksi. Slow and steady.
This is another traditional Kelantanese food known as Nasi Tumpang. A smooth sticky rice combine with either sweet sour fried prawn and fried egg or prawn gravy with 'serunding' wrapped in a cone shape banana leaf. It's so delicious and fragrant.

serunding = basically beef/chicken/fish meat fried with coconut milk, spices and cooked until dried.
You can also visit the old castle of the Kelantanese Malay Sultanate. We called it Istana Jahar or Jahar Castle. Currently it has become the Kelantan Islamic Muzeum.

The Sultan's mosque known as Masjid Sultan Ismail Petra located in Kubang Kerian. It's very big and modern compared to Masjid Kampung Laut or Masjid Muhammadi, the state mosque.

Below is the oldest mosque in Kelantan. It is called Masjid Kampung Laut located in Nilam Puri.

One of the main tourist attraction in the city center is the Padang Bas near the state mosque. This is usually where buses bringing tourists to Kota Bharu will be parked while they tour the city.

A kind of billboard that you can see around the Islamic City of Kota Bharu. Women on the billboard should be well covered. Although the Government prefers advertisement without women models it's still give some exception.

A nice view of Kota Bharu - a blend of modern and traditional.

This is inside the famous biggest wet market in Kelantan. It was rename as Pasar Besar Siti Khadijah (Siti Khadijah Wet Market) to represent the 80% women peddlers in the market and as a remembrance to the late Saiyyidatina Khadijah radiallahu anha, a well known Islamic entreprenuer.

This is the State where Malaysian Pan Islamic Party (PAS) is ruling where Islam is the most important things. Even the State anthem is MEMBANGUN BERSAMA ISLAM which means developing with Islam. Below is the picture of Kelantanese Muslimah during the recent General Election.

There lots of things that I can share about Kota Bharu and Kelantan herself but my eyes are getting sleepy and I have to iron some clothes. So... tired.
Bye now!
p/s: more info on Kota Bharu can be found in google
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