The hanafi madhab though is of the opinion that the feet may show so it is a valid opinion. Their rulings comes from the following sources:
Foot fetish, or podophilia is a medical term for a pronounced sexual interest in a woman's feet. It is the most common form of sexual preference for otherwise non-sexual objects or parts of the body.
[World Health Organization, International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, (2007), Chapter V, F65 Disorders of sexual preference.
^ Dobson, R. "Heels are the world's No 1 fetish." The Independent; February 25, 2007 ]
In order to estimate the relative frequency of fetishes researchers at the University of Bologna examined 381 Internet discussions of her foot fetish groups, in which at least 5,000 people had been participating. Researchers estimated the prevalences of different fetishes based on (a) the number of discussion groups devoted to a particular fetish, (b) the number of individuals participating in the groups and (c) the number of messages exchanged. It was concluded that the most common fetishes were for body parts or for objects usually associated with body parts (33% and 30% respectively). Among those people preferring body parts, feet and toes were preferred by the greatest number, with 47% of those sampled preferring them. Among those people preferring objects related to body parts, footwear (shoes, boots, etc.) was most preferred (64%). (And I totally am with them on this because my mother owner a clothing boutique for a few years and there was a man that came in and always stole ONE right pump and tried to take pictures of women's feet while he was in the shop).
[ Scorolli C, Ghirlanda S, Enquist M, Zattoni S, Jannini E A (2007). Relative prevalence of different fetishes. International Journal of Impotence Researchadvance online publication 15 February 2007; doi: 10.1038/sj.ijir.3901547. http://www.nature.com/ijir/journal/v19/n4/abs/3901547a.html retrieved March 2007.]
In August 2006, AOL released a database of the search terms submitted by their subscribers. In ranking only those phrases that included the word "fetish", it was found that the most common search was for feet.
[AOL's Accidental Release of Search Data - The Sexmind of America. http://aphrodisiology.com/aol-sex-data, accessed June 2007. ]
ANOTHER MIRACLE ABOUT SCIENCE IN ISLAM---something explained by the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam that we are just learning about now: Neurologist Vilayanur S. Ramachandran proposed that foot fetishism is caused by the feet and the genitals occupying adjacent areas of the somatosensory cortex of the human brain, possibly entailing some neural crosstalk between the two. Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala always know best, and sometimes we have yet to discover what He was already told us.
[Kringelbach, Morten. Bodily Illusions. http://www.kringelbach.dk/Preprint_Beagle_BodilyIllusions.html, last accessed Sept 2006.]
Foot fetishisms is so widely acknowledged by modern medicine that actual treatments exist in modern medicine to attempt to cure the condition. One is cognitive therapy. Cognitive therapy seeks to change the patient's behavior without analyzing how and why it shows up. It is based on the idea that fetishism is the result of conditioning or imprinting which is wholly agreed upon in Islam, though Islam will also analyze how something occurs . Our sexuality is often conditioned by images and ideas in our societies and in Islam, we try to protect the image of sexuality, and leave it to the safe space between a husband and wife, not out in public. This is done by not engaging in sexual acts in public, and by covering what might be sexually attractive of ourselves. One possible therapy in Cognitive Therapy is aversive conditioning: the patient is being confronted with his fetish and as soon as sexual arousal starts, exposed to a displeasing stimulus. Today a common aversive stimulus are photographs that show unpleasing scenes such. Another possible therapy is a technique called thought stop: the therapist asks the patient to think of his fetish and suddenly cries out "stop!". The patient will be irritated, his line of thought broken. After analyzing the effects of the sudden break together, the therapist will teach the patient to use this technique by himself to interrupt thoughts about his fetish and thus prevent undesired behavior. This is what the jilbab is doing in Islam if a man is suffering from his brain sending confusing neural crosstalk. He is reminded of his role and modesty in Islam as soon as he sees the jilbab, which interupts the stimulus, and helps him to control and understand those brain patterns. Pharmaceutical treatment consists of various forms of drugs that inhibit the production of sex steroids, above all male testosterone and female estrogen. By cutting down the level of sex steroids, sexual desire is diminished. Thus, in theory, a patient might gain the ability to control his fetish and reasonably process his own thoughts without being distracted by sexual arousal. Also, the application may give the patient relief in everyday life, enabling him to ignore his fetish and get back to daily routine. But it doesn't actually solve the problem of the confusing brain patterns the same way cognitive therapy (already practiced by Islam---in a less jarring way than modern science has often done---"modern science" was historically big on painful stimuli such as electric shock treatement as aversive stimulus). (And THEY deign to call Islam barbaric---ha).Anyways... yet again, so my conclusion is that the feet are awrah in front of non-maharam men and that the sahabiayat used their jilbab (overgarments) to cover their feet (as in this picture above, then women are not wearing socks but you can hardly even tell---the foot is not entirely exposed at any period of time). If your jilbab does not cover your feet, then you should wear socks, but due to the existence of scholarly disagreement on some details, one who follows another opinion in good conscience should not be criticized. And Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala and His Messenger knows best.
And for all those socks with those it can't be socks sandals girls, well right now it is a huge fashion trend, gorgeous printed tights or plain cute socks with peep toes, flats, and sandals. OF COURSE WITH US MUSLIMAHS, WE SHOULD HAVE A JILBAB OVER ALL THAT LEG SPELNDOUR! But you have to have been sleeping under a rock if you live by those old school style rules like no white after labour day (we're Muslims after all---what about hajj?!) and no socks with sandals is that kinda rule. I'll admit, if my jilbab is long enough to cover my feet and i live someplace hot, I am not going to go to the extra effort of wearing socks. I am not and uber-cautious person by nature. BUT IF my garments don't cover my feet, no matter where in the world I am, I am gonna be covering my feet with sock in front of non-maharam men, even if I have to wear thermal woolies: D Ha ha I hope not. I think it looks lovely unless I borrow my husbands tube socks. THEN it looks kinda lame, but with tights, it is always pretty. And when I buy black pantyhose I kind just snip of the legs and only wear those. I hate panty-hose waist bands. My socks are all tights and I keep the waistbands on the nice fun print ones (cuz I want them to last a long time) but staple black I just keep the legs on.
Yes, indeed, you have to have been sleeping under a rock if you missed out on the fact that all the runways are in tune with people wearing tights and socks with open toe sandals, celebs like Sarah Jessica and Gwenyth Paltrow in tights, and the girls on Gossip Girls making red tights a shopper's dream find. I don't follow ANY of this stuff (a hate trashy celeb gossip and I don't follow celeb fashion--I like runways better) and I STILL know about it:D I don't know why people think that Islamic clothing as per the sunnah is restrictive. It's not. Actually, you simply get to have more clothing than a non-muslim woman, or a Muslimah with bad hijab (and I am not saying if you don't cover your feet you've got bad hijab, just gotta add that because it is one valid opinion, though it is the minority thought among the four madhabs, it is STILL VALID all you harraam police).
Wouldn't these polka-dot tights just look daaaaaarling with a pair of black-bowed peep toe shoes, flat or kitten-heeled?
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