Assalamualaikum and a very good evening to all dearest friends. Alhamdulillah, at last I can update something for today. Firstly, I'd like to thank all of you that have wished me luck in my last exam paper today (alhamdulillah, I think I did quite well) and also jazakillahi khairan kathira (tqvm) for being concern with me during my day of unhappiness. Alhamdulillah the matter is already solved and if you'd like to know some clue to it, just read my answers to all your comments in my previous post.
When I have a problem the best therapy for me is reading the Qur'an as much as I want and reflecting on what I've done that makes Allah test me that way. Alhamdulillah by reading the Qur'an my anger was gone and I can think clearer of what has happened. I felt calm and can even smile to my self after that. Really alhamdulillah.
When I have a problem the best therapy for me is reading the Qur'an as much as I want and reflecting on what I've done that makes Allah test me that way. Alhamdulillah by reading the Qur'an my anger was gone and I can think clearer of what has happened. I felt calm and can even smile to my self after that. Really alhamdulillah.

Apart from the beloved al-Qur'an, another good therapy for me is baking. After the pizza a few days ago, I kept thinking of making the famous Ange's Beshamel (I give that name because the recipe and the influence were all started from dear Ange, hehehe). Looking at her Beshamel and the way she kept talking about it has indeed makes me want to try making it too. And right after the exam, I rushed home to start the project. Look everyone, I think I've made it!

The smell is soooo good. You can even smell it from the front door of my house and it's quite far from the kitchen. My mom and dad who were just back from a visit to a relative's house came straight to the kitchen to have a look at what I've cooked.

I'd like to say THANK YOU to Ange for sharing the recipe. Alhamdulillah, it sure is very tasty and delicious... only that I forgot to put in some salf in the beshamel sauce, hehehe. Anyway it's still good because the bolognaise sauce is already salty.
I think I'm gonna do it again... maybe next week. I can't bake it everyday... not very good for my healthy diet, huhuhu.
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