Source: Nur Ilham Hamzah |
Friday, December 31, 2010
The Abaya Ladies
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
And for the sisters that wanted a way to contact me, you have to leave your emails in the comments section. Don't worry;) I don't post emails, I just need to know your emails to write you if you don't have a blog that has a post for me to leave comments on:D
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Being simple during the trip.
I'm wearing abaya C29 from Laniz Collection. |
For the second day, I wore an all black abaya, with a side opening, a bit like a kimono. I don't know whether you can see it clearly or not.
The all black abaya with black embroidery. Abaya AR100. |
And on the last day, I chose to wear the black with brown stripes jilbab which I have designed myself. It was custom made in 2000. Yes, the jilbab is already 10 years old but it is still in a good condition and I can still fit myself in it, alhamdulillah.
In front of Krue Se Mosque in Pattani. |
I know some muslimah like to wear pants when they are touring but for me abaya or jilbab is always suitable and easy for me to pray. We Malays like to wear 'kain sembahyang' for praying but I prefer praying in my clothes provided that I'm confident that is's clean.
So, it's up to you and your comfort to wear whatever you like. I don't have the authority to ask you to follow me. Remember, be comfortable in whatever we wear as long as we're sure that Allah will like it. Wassalam.
Pick Meeee..!!!

Test for any Student of Knowledge, before they can teach others as they know
There is a Sheikh at an Islamic teaching institution (both of which shall remain nameless, because I hear he uses this test to the day) who had a student of his who was almost ready to graduate and move on to teach students of his/her own. This student knew all the Sheikh could teach him/her about the ways of the Prophet Mohamed sallalahu alahi wa salaam, at least in memory, and Qu'ran, but the Sheikh just had to make sure. He felt it was his responsibility that all his students inform others about Islam in the manner of it's beloved Prophet.
So the Sheikh struck up a point with his young protege, about salat, which the student adamantly believed, no KNEW to be incorrect. And despite being presented with his student's daleel in an Islamic manner (proper adab/manners) the Sheikh refused to see his protege's point.
This made the student very frustrated and angry.
When the Sheikh insisted his student aknowledge the Shiekh as his/her teacher, and his way also correct, the student grew stubborn, but more than that, the student grew proud, and condemned his/her beloved teacher for their ignorance.
The Shiekh knew he was being ignorant, and had planned it thus. For the Qu'ran warns all believers, especially those of knowledge who would impart it, that they will be tested by the ignorant, even among those who claim to be Muslims: "Hatred flows out of their mouths and what they hide in their chests is far worse.... When they meet you they say, "We believe," but as soon as they leave, they bite their fingers out of rage towards you." [3:118-120]. And warns also of those with delusions of their own grandeur: "If something good happens to you, they hurt, and if an affliction befalls you, they say, "We told you so," as they turn away rejoicing. "[9:50-52].
But he wanted to see if his student was ready for the task of being a teacher of Islam, and understood all this. That the student could teach without being tricked by Shaytaan.
The Shiek's student failed his test, even though the student's KNOWLEDGE was quite correct.
Because of the student's adab.
Seeing the student in a rage, proud and haughty, the Shiekh told the student that actually the whole debate had been but a test to see his student's understanding of Islamic manners in debate. And the Sheikh told the confused but humbled student they still had a few more years of study to go, since they had become angry with another Muslim for a matter that was not a sin against the honor of Islam, and because of their misplaced pride.
For the Messenger of Allah has said: "Anger comes from the Shaytaan/ the devil..."(Dawud, Narrated Atiyyah as-Sa'di) . And "“ The strong is not the one who over comes the people by his strength” "But the strong is the one who controls his own self while in anger."
As for pride?
It is of Shaytaan, unless it is wholly for the sake of Allah, and none for one's own self or reputation. For the Quran says of Shaytaan: "Allah says, 'He was proud and he was of the disbelievers.' [Soorah Saad (38): 74], and the Prophet Mohamed says "'He will not enter Paradise who has even a speck of pride in his heart.'" [Saheeh Muslim] .
Allah advises us in the Holy Quran to guard ourselves from pride in arguing over the meaning of ayat in a way for our own glory or misguidances: "'Verily, those who dispute about the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allah, without any authority having come to them... is nothing else in their breasts except pride? So seek refuge in Allah.' [from being like these people].' [Surah Ghafir].
I think it is the perfect lesson to remember as we start this content, for as commentators on the last post remarked, since this section will be about sects, there'll be some major differences of opinion.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
A Trip to Haatyai 2 Nights 3 Days
At the border, waiting for the ferry to cross the river from Pengkalan Kubor (Malaysia) to Takbai (Thailand). |
On the ferry with my sick husband. |
That's our ferry. The yellow one. And you can see Takbai in the distance. |
Thailand, here I come. |
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Hijab has been thoroughly documented on I LOVE HISHMA: onto sects in Islam since people made a big fuss about them on this blog:)
But I would totally like to do a new section which is the study of Islamic sects (my personal thoughts interjected so please forgive) and after that, Islamic history AFTER the death of the Prophet Mohamed S.A.W.
I will say what I personally find correct, but I am going to try and find some guest writers to write from the perspectives of other sects, like Shia and Ibadhi, (and other, MORE splinter sects of each of us) as well, since I am SOOOOOOOOOOO tired of people on this blog being mean to me for me believing as I do, and feeling compelled to write what I BELIEVE or know to be correct. So if we all say what why we do what we do, call ourselves as we do, then at least, if we agree to disagree, it isn't in ignorance.
I want to do this because there is huge misunderstandings between us all. And I want the ummah united.
"I truly believe that the names Sunni (of the sunnah) Shia (followers of Ali) [Because Sunni, Shia, and Ibadhi all recognized Ali to be a Calipha at one time] and Ibadhi (Obedient to the Will of Allah) should apply aptly to ALL Muslims. . We SHOULD be these things, regardless of what we call ourselves. We should not be nations or titles, but everything that a Muslim is supposed to be." -Pixie
We *SHOULD* only say "I am a Muslim".
At the same time, I *HATE* when people use hadiths that don't go back to the right time period, or the chains of narration that are broken, or misuse term they don't understand, or the narrator was historically known to be a liar, or the historian had a political bias.
SO ACCADEMICALLY TERMS MUST EXIST. But let us explore them and their origins, and impact TOGETHER, as a Muslim ummah that desires knowledge of it beginnings, to determine its course.
So this new section of I LOVE HISHMA will begin (albeit slowly) with me, Pixie, saying, "I am a Muslim". This is what I am saying from a purely Islamic standpoint. I acknowledge that other Muslim bloggers with different historical understandings than me, through THEIR understandings, are also Muslims, though ACCADEMICALLY, on this point I *might* sometimes disagree, and they with me.
Can we do this together, all with the greatest respect to eachother? Do we have the will to see things from a different perspective to perhaps see where maybe we had some bias or misinformation, or misunderstanding as to other's intentions?
I am certainly not asking anyone to be threatened to conform to my way of seeing the world. But I want to know what you see and how you see it, expressing at the same time, what I do, where something makes sense, or where something contradicts what I know.
So if ya'll approve... We can start in the next few days inshaAllah :)
My shia sistas, I'll probably need your help for your perspective, since I am kinda far off from yours on a few basic things, so if ya'll don't mind for the benefit of others, sharing why you believe something and why you do things:) [At the same time not being offended if I don't post a hadith of yours (goes for Sunni and Ibadhi too!) that I believe is not sahih since I have to use what I consider ACCADEMIC historical authentication which I studied in univeristy.] So please, if I ask for help, please do, and without offense. I am actually not hating on anybody, though I have been told my writing tone can be harsh. I am very against discrimination and "ya'll are not Muslims" antics. Wallah, lol.
K, that's all for now. Let me know your thoughts.
Ammendment: I want to stress, after reading Nida's most excellent post that I HIGHLY recommend for my readers if any of you remain after my long absences;), I do believe that there is only ONE Islam. I do not possibly think that all sects can possibly correct. But I personally need knowledge of them, and my own, to determine if I am indeed "Just a Muslim" or if I am following something less than what the Prophet Mohamed Sallahu alahi wa salaam was upon.
To quote Nida in short (and the Qu'ran) :D in case you're to lazy to follow the link:
“Then We put you, [O Muhammad], on an ordained way concerning the matter [of religion]; so follow it and do not follow the inclinations of those who do not know.” (45:18)
“And if you obey most of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from the way of Allah. They follow not except assumption, and they are not but falsifying.” (6:116)
And from these, and many other verses like it, God tells us that most of these interpretations are false. Additionally, He tells us that there is only one siraat al mustaqeem.
“Mankind was [of] one religion [before their deviation]; then Allah sent the prophets as bringers of good tidings and warners and sent down with them the Scripture in truth to judge between the people concerning that in which they differed. And none differed over the Scripture except those who were given it - after the clear proofs came to them - out of jealous animosity among themselves. And Allah guided those who believed to the truth concerning that over which they had differed, by His permission. And Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path.” (2:113)
“Progressive Islam” would like to have us believe that we can all live in our own truth – that all those wild interpretations out there are all Islam. But this cannot be. Allah revealed one religion to the prophet(s). Islam is one, while interpretations are many. Let’s be careful not to conflate the two.
-from Nida, author of the blog, "Ideal Muslimah"
Belated Photo: Sunday Style
THAT Time Of Year
I know some of the readers on here are Christians, so I do hope you enjoy the festivities :)
Oh and happy (slightly belated) Islamic new year :D
Love from,
Zaenab :D
Monday, December 20, 2010
Happy Together
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Simple Attire for A Cold Day
Would you wear something like this on a cold day? Think as if you are someone who's always wear jilbab or abaya as your daily outfit.
It's quite cold lately and the rain keeps coming. I wear something like this almost everyday, except my jilbab is a black abaya dan I don't own any gloves.
I feel like buying one pair to cover my cold hands.
Abaya Business Is Booming
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Today's working attire
Just want to share with you my look for today. Just a simple abaya with a simple sweet blue shoe.
May Allah bless my day and I really hope He will make it a smooth one for me and you. Especially when I have a presentation to do.
Gorgeous Abayaat for Pre-Order
This is just a short entry. I am collecting orders for this two new abaya designs which I have bought 2 samples and found that both are in very good standard and quality.
This pre-order is open to all friends and readers from Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore. I'm really sorry for not opening this chance to others. It's a bit difficult for me to manage the payment or money transaction from places outside of these 3 countries. Insyaallah that will be solved soon.
Ok, here are the abayaat:
Abaya C29 - RM200.00 |
C29 - close up |
Abaya C28 - RM200.00 |
C28 - close up |
If anyone is interested to order, please email me at before 20 Dec 2010. Thank you.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
I need a new shoe
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My old shoe when it was still new. |
This one looks great but would it be comfortable? |
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Undercap Blues

Friday, December 10, 2010
Someone need to scold me.
Some of the abayaat that have been checked. |
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
A chain of events
Beautiful folk dancers from Xhinjian, China visited my booth. They're here to perform during Ladies Nite. |
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Enough's Enough.

Friday, November 19, 2010
A Modest Outfit For Work

I know, I know, I am the world's worst blogger in the history of hijab bloggers.
But I have been busy and I have recently met with quite a few heads of Islamic education and this has always been a dream child of mine but...
What do you think of an Islamic University that can be taught jointly in English AND in Arabic, so that studies can be pursued in both lanuages at the same time?
I know I wanted that when I was a new convert.
Now this doesn't exist anywhere yet, but what about an Islamic University that teaches Islamic history and jurisprudence from every side? I mean, Sunni, Shia, Ibadhi, Sufi, what have you, and teachers the head of their feilds from all over the world leading classes through video so that you get the best from Madinah, Al Ahzar, Iran, and the West? As ya'll know, I need to buff up on my Jaffari shariah (since I am not Shia who am I to tell you what all shia believe right?). A university where true dialogue takes place, and no one school of thoughts takes precendance over the students' mind, only their rational skills, and the evidence, which they would be taught, through jurisprudence, and history (preIslamic, Seerah-era, Salafi, Caliphate, and Modern), as well as classical Arabic, Quran, tauhid, tafseer, ahadith, ect...
Through which students could choose to specialize in numerous feilds. Banking, family counselling, marriage counselling/divorce counselling and law, Imam training, Sheikh [teaching] training, Islamic art, Islamic music, Islamic media, Islamic marketing, Islamic medicine, Islamic sciences.... Having a course load similiar to other University programs which would be transferable for course credits at universities through out the world [both Islamic and Accademic], not only of a religious nature, but endeavoring to the richness of classical Islamic thought and achievments.
Think about it. Islam has so many areas of study.
- History, through all its periods, from historical as well as Islamic sources.
-including classical Arabic
-how to authenticate Islamic daleel (evidences)
-historical branches, such as shariah, and textiles, even archeology and anthropology
- Shariah and Islamic Jurisprudance
-schools of thought including ALL sects and madhabs
-specialized focus into developed subject realms as as Sheikh training and overall course for Imams
-dealing with Islam in the modern day
- Quran and Sunnah
-in terms of tauhid
-language and litterature
- Applications of Islamic Knowledge
-development of Islamic medium such as internet and television programming, articles, ect...
-development and conservation of knowledge and resources through archives and new articles and journals
-Islamic art and design
-Islamic music/dance [halal alternatives]
-Islamic banking
-Sadaqah management
-Family Management
-Community Managment
I see endless possibilities, and I am still brainstorming right now, how EXACTLY to get it off the ground. But if it were at all possible, how many of you would be interested, either as qualified teachers, or as students?
I mean, me personally, I am not all that into what they are teaching at Al Ahzar beyond language and old madhabs, and going to Iran to study is a bit scary for one whose written what I have (yet I like to read books from Iran). And Saudi is hard for female students unless they are married or have family there.
Sooo let me know what ya'll think.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
She Inpires Me: Amal Murad
![]() |
Simply beautiful, both the designer and the abaya. |
Monday, November 15, 2010
Eid Mubarak and All the Best for Hijabi Fashion Week Contest!
Eid Mubarak! I know some of us are already celebrating Eid today but for us Malaysian, it will be tomorrow. However I'd like to wish all of you Happy Eid-ul-Adha and may Allah bless you with lots of love.
And... I'd like to wish best of luck to all the sisters who have participate in the Hijabi Fashion Week contest. I've seen some of their sets and insyaallah I'll give my support even though I can't join HFW.
That's it. Have a nice and beautiful Eid!
Friday, November 12, 2010
It's easy to find colourful jilbab around this town.
Aren't you interested? |
Colourful choices. |
Women loved this kind of stalls. |
Another Style To Try
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Colour Mistakes

“Women’s usual mistake with colour is trying to colour match their entire outfit,” confides Kirsty Attwood, Styling Manager at Selfridges, London. “Gone are the days of the ‘matching shoe and bag’ combination - have fun and add an extra tone or colour to your outfit.”
2) Overkill
Coco Chanel told us to always take one accessory off, and she was right. Too many colours all at once is guaranteed to kill a look. Caroline Hodson, personal shopper at Harvey Nichols, London, has this advice: “Always have in mind that less is more! For example, a key trend this season is leopard print. It’s easy to make the mistake of wearing too much of this print, but when done subtly, say with black skinny trousers this is a fantastic look.”
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Request from Suraya
PIG CHARM PEARL BRACELET - Betsey Johnson, $200
Glitter Diamond Bangles - Teen Clothing by Wet Seal, $29
Lipgloss, 175 DKK
Strappy Metallic Heel - Teen Clothing by Wet Seal
Nokia touch screen
Igal Hijab Store
Abaya Suraya :: International Muslimahs' Apparel : Busana Muslimah...
I love your jalabiya Sue. It is very feminine and gorgeous. I would suggest you find a hijab with a darker tone of either pink or burgundy with some bling-bling on it. Find a pair of shoe also from the same colour tone. Matched them with a black shiny clutch to make your appearance a bit formal.
Use only a light make-up with a beautiful kohl applied around your eyes. Just enough to follow the sunnah and enhance a bit your self confidence to walk up that stairs and stand in front of the audience to receive your degree.
And as for the accessories, use some simple bangles maybe black + gold + pink, a bracelet and also a cute ring. Do not add to much.
If my suggestion is not to your liking, I'll be okay but I hope you shall like it.
Congratulation Suraya! Happy Graduation!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
My Personal Abaya Collection
So, this is a kind of entry that is intended to make me alert. A short intermission from all those confusing data. Let's talk about my wardrobe. Yes, the real KakChik's Wardrobe.
I think I've already shown you in another entry those inside look of my wardrobe. So, I won't be sharing any new photo of the same view. Why don't I show one by one some of my current abayaat collection? I have nearly 20 pieces of black abayaat which I wear daily and more than half of the collection is from Dubai.
Let's not waste anymore time and we proceed to the first photo.
My first abaya. It was from Indonesia. Has lots of beautiful neatly sewn beads on the chest. |
An abaya from Vietnam. It is decorated with beads and sequins. |
My favourite abaya for formal occasions. Lots of customers also like this Dubai abaya. |
My one and only Mecca abaya. Also my favourite. |
My 36th. birthday present. An expensive Dubai abaya which I love very much. |
My 2nd. butterfly abaya which the dressmaker named after my real name. |
An abaya from Qatar which was supposed to be a gift for a friend but turn out smaller than her normal size. Now it's mine. |
Another favourite abaya. I still remember the day I wore this abaya during a promotion, customers bought every size available because they think it's so gorgeous. |
The latest addition. The cutting is just right for me and it flows nicely when I wear it. |
That's not all but I think it's enough to share with you. Ever since I started wearing black abaya, I am not interested anymore in coloured abaya. I have give away all my jilbabs because I don't want to waste them inside my wardrobe. It's better if they can find a new owner who'll appreciate and wear them.
Enough said, I'm going to continue my work. Salam.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Long Black Skirt
Never give up!
I see what you're going through
It's an uphill climb, and I'm feeling sorry
But I know it will come to you
Don't surrender 'cause you can win
In this thing called love
When you want it the most there's no easy way out
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is
When you question me for a simple answer
I don't know what to say, no
But it's plain to see, if you stick together
You're gonna find a way, yeah
So don't surrender 'cause you can win
In this thing called love
When you want it the most there's no easy way out
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is
When life is empty with no tomorrow
And loneliness starts to call
Baby, don't worry, forget your sorrow
'Cause love's gonna conquer it all, all
When you want it the most there's no easy way out
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is
When you want it the most there's no easy way out
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is
That's the way it is
That's the way it is, babe
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is."
by Celine Dion
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Designs that I like...
All they need are a proper hijab to make a complete aurah covering.
What do you think of my choices?
If you want to have a look at more photos from the event, you can just click HERE.
- The Abaya Ladies
- Being simple during the trip.
- Pick Meeee..!!!
- Test for any Student of Knowledge, before they can...
- A Trip to Haatyai 2 Nights 3 Days
- Hijab has been thoroughly documented on I LOVE HIS...
- Belated Photo: Sunday Style
- THAT Time Of Year
- Happy Together
- Simple Attire for A Cold Day
- Abaya Business Is Booming
- Today's working attire
- Gorgeous Abayaat for Pre-Order
- I need a new shoe
- Undercap Blues
- Someone need to scold me.
- A Royal Affair..
- A chain of events
- Enough's Enough.
- A Modest Outfit For Work
- Asalaam alaykom all:I know, I know, I am the world...
- She Inpires Me: Amal Murad
- Eid Mubarak and All the Best for Hijabi Fashion We...
- It's easy to find colourful jilbab around this town.
- Another Style To Try
- Colour Mistakes
- Request from Suraya
- My Personal Abaya Collection
- The Long Black Skirt
- Never give up!
- Designs that I like...