Was it because of that racist lady that refuses to let me serve her? No. Was it because someone asked me if I was wearing a halloween costume (in July)? Nope. Was is that crazy old bat that says I am not Canadian anymore if I wear a scarf and am thus not entitled to employment. Nada.
So what was it?! you might wonder. It was running into a fellow ESL teacher (in case you didn't know, I also used to teach ESL). She was telling me about her new students.
Guess what country they were from?
Clue number 1, they come to class drunk. Clue number 2, they come on waaaaay too strong for the shy Asian girls. Clue number 3 they hit on their teacher asking her if she'd be willing to change her religion.
They were Saudi.
Don't get me wrong. My husband is Saudi. There alot of Saudi brothers out there better Muslims than my husband. His words, lol, not mine. I'm not hating on Saudis, or even Muslim men.
I am hatin' on Saudis who THINK they are Muslims (cuz of birth, not practice) who are invading my city and taking advantage of MY sisters (non-Muslim Canadian girls).

btw way this is a random pic of Saudi esl students and I am not saying any of these guys whatsoever is bad example of his countrymen and Islam
They come here, on government money (Saudi). They rent an apartment in a luxe downtown space for $1000.00. They spend another $1000.00 on expenses. Eating out in fancy restaurants every night, going shopping, nice celi, ya know. Their tuition is already paid for. And you know what they are studying here? Not their uni. . They are studying ENGLISH. Not as a degree, but to speak. And Emirati dudes too.
They miss their classes cuz they stayed up to late and are hungover, or they show up still drunk. They hit on their teachers. They hit on the shy Japanese girls. They study pick up lines and how to lie to girls in english more than the reading and vocab they'll need to enter an English-speaking university. They find some non-muslim girls who have no concept of self-respect. As a non-Muslim woman raised in the Western world myself I know that world is one of materialism and survival of the sexually-attractive-fittest. These girls are taught that their only value is their attractiveness and what they have or are capable of buying (through career or what not). So these girls meet these guys, charming, foriegn, who say they love their bodies, even if they are not curvy, or are too curvy... and they meet these guys who find them attractive, who take them out for dinner, take them shopping , tell them they wish they could marry them, that they deserve to be treated better than Canadian guys treat them (and then these girls TOTALLY change their whole lives around for these guys) and then the guy tell them he can't marry them because they're not Muslim but he would if such a small thing wouldn't matter to his mother...
And then, cuz they've taken these girls shopping, and out to dinner, and bought them drinks at the nightclubs, they ask their families to send them more money for expenses.
In my opinion, Saudi men need maharams. They need their Mom's. They shouldn't be allowed to come here without their mothers. I am serrious. The one's that have Mom's here, mashaAllah, they're pretty good brothers. Even the one's that have their sisters with them are better than the one's without.
I nearly cried when she told me her story. Because I was angry. Because I was hurt for the sake of our Ummah. They want the West to become Muslim? Why, so they can all order halal Chinese food as take-out without worrying about pork in that?! Is that ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!?! Is that all the makes us Muslim? You can eat your halal chinese food take-out from the Western chinese food joint while seducing some Canadian girl with no self-respect (not because she is immoral---but because her culture has not taught her the value of a woman). And I want to wear niqab.
I was kicked out by MY OWN FAMILY to practice Islam in my WESTERN country. I had them drive behind me HURLING insults at me, because I DIDN'T WANT TO insult MY DEEN by dating, wearing tight clothes, drinking.... I WANTED TO BE A MUSLIM in every possible way.
And you, come from an Islamic country, and have to bring haraam to mine. Mine that is ALREADY enough haraam for me to deal with, without having MORE PEOPLE confused about Islam like you are doing.
BE the society that you want to live in BY EMBODYING IT. That is all that it takes. All that it takes if for you to BE MUSLIM.
No offense, I mean, I won't call you an apostate or run around town lashing you eighty lashes, Canada's muttawa, but you AREN'T a Muslim if you aren't BEING a Muslim. And I am gonna start telling you this. I am not going to go out of my way, looking for your sins, but I am going to forbid evil when I see it.
You can say, this is Canada. So does that mean, if you die here, you'll still go to Jannah? Hmmm.
These girls don't know any better. The guy at the liquor store and the waiter at the restaurant you buy your booze from, they don't know any better. They are kuffar. Disbelievers. They have not the guidance of the Qu'ran, the MERCY of that, that we have. I was once one of them. As a woman, of this country, I beg you, know HOW lucky you are. And how at a disadvantage they are.
Your sister is only a woman with self-respect because she has Islam. Your mother is only a woman who has self-respect because she HAS Islam.
YOU are trash if you are not practicing Islam. Because you had the mercy with no struggle, and the guidance, without having also to face rejection, and you STILL put it aside, leading others to sin. And you know what, if they don't know the sin of their actions, Allah subhanhu wa ta ala might just hold you responsible. Because you know better... and they don't. And don't pretend you don't avoid me when I am in my my abaya and hijab and you are out with a girl who has NO IDEA you don't intend to treat her Islamically and marry her (which is her right in Islam).
I just cant understand you. Or forgive you... without reformation. I want an Islamic nation. And you make my sinful nation even worse than it was before you, a MUSLIM, came.
La illah il Allah. May Allah guide you. May I be guided as well, ameen, 'cause I recently read this post by http://theline-mev.blogspot.com/ and came out with something extroidinary from the text [I'll re-post a bit of it]:
"Authoo bilahi minash shaytaani rajeem.
Allah subahnu wa ta'ala says, in Surah Ma’oon:
أَرَأَيْتَ الَّذِي يُكَذِّبُ بِالدِّينِ
فَذَلِكَ الَّذِي يَدُعُّ الْيَتِيمَ
وَلَا يَحُضُّ عَلَى طَعَامِ الْمِسْكِينِ
Have you seen the one who denies the Repayment?
Have you seen the one who denies the Repayment?
For that is the one who drives away the orphan, and does not encourage the feeding of the poor.
[Surah Ma'oon, verses 1-3]
[Surah Ma'oon, verses 1-3]
Notice the connection here–verse one, the one who denies Ad-Deen, the Day of Repayment. And verse two and three? He drives away orphans, He doesn’t encourage feeding of the poor. It’s not that he doesn’t feed the poor. It’s that he doesn’t encourage feeding the poor.
If you’re a Muslim, and you practice your five pillars, you’re giving zakah, and chances are it’s going to poor people (two of the eight categories of eligible zakah recipients).But are you encouraging feeding of the poor?"
MashaAllah, what a great post Mev, and it made me think. Alot of the ayaat in the Qu'ran that speak of Jannah say that it is for those who encourage righteousness. So it is not enough for me to be righteous, if I do not also encourage others to good deeds and righteousness. So it is not enough for my husband and I to be righteous ourselves and not encourage our brothers in Islam to the same. So the next time I see a brother doing something haraam I am going to "gently" encourage him towards something righteous, in the example of the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam when he spoke to the woman of the sahaba : Narrated by Asmaa: Allah’s Apostle passed by a group of women near the mosque. He waved his hand to them in salutation and said: "Beware of being ungrateful to your husbands, beware of being ungrateful to your husbands.”
I will say something like, "Islam is a gift brother, and do not deprive this woman you are with of it. Let her know her rights in Islam which is to have a man lower his gaze from her, and to not touch her, without offering first to marry her. Such are the rights Allah has given her. Guard yourself from evil."
Allah give me the strength to, not only speak righteously, and be righteous, but encourage others to do so as well. Ameen.
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