Plum Sykes, London-It girl of the 80s and 90s, swore for a while never to wear short sleeves again, to embrace the lady-like air afforded by more fabric, and more modest cuts. She looked fabulous on a night out with her husband, pictured here wearing floor length Pucci, and all you`d have to do is make sure that dress is an overgarment, and top it with hijab... Since I can`t afford Pucci, the closest I could find to her print was THIS caftan
http://www.gottawearit.com/silkycaftan.html. And yes, I`ll continue to rock the look, when I start to wear niqab. The fabric reminds me of the beautiful bright bolts in Africa, and I won`t let the harraam police be quiet or rage about a colour`s permissability based on skin tone alone. But as a niqabi, I`ll probably save the Pucci for going to fashion shows, ect... Or for a special event. It won`t be my to-the-masjid gear.

And MashaAllah aren`t these sisters from Sudan lovely...
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