Understand, the women of the Sahaba made salat in their homes in the undergarment. They only wore jilbab when they went out of their homes and inside their homes they often used a wall or screen if non maharam men had some purpose to be inside their homes. So for me, the minimum garment I could make salat in in my home is the caftan/salwar top pictured above, the slits in the sides ideally going no more than mid calf (any higher and I'd have to wear pants) and a khimar. Soooo. When I wear any garment as an overgarment, it has to be able to fit this style garment underneath. Or to me, it is not the jilbab described in the Qu'ran.
It wouldn't fit in these pants
LOL, I wouldn't even think about it. But I'll admit, I did try with salwar pants. It didn't COMFORTABLY. It all bunched up to one side and I either had to have a bulge at my hip or I had to sit on it. If the jilbab garment isn't loose enough to accomodate clothes you could make salat in (and you don't HAVE TO wear salat-without-jilbab-clothes underneath your jilbab but you'd have to be able to for your jilbab to BE a jilbab) it isn't a jilbab.
These didn't work either:
Though this one did:
when I wear it, I pair it with a cimpletely loose modest top that came past my butt (to the knees is best so the hips catch no clinging). This does too:
IF the maxi isn't made of a clingy fabric like jersey or a stretchy knit. The maxy though, needs something worn over it, like a box coat or very long and wide khimar/hijab pulled way over the chest and arms or it lacks the hijab-on -the-top part. A sister named Asma on my JILBAB IS FARD post suggested I take each garment and show how it can be adapted to hijab. I'll start with the salwar.

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