These are hijabs are all styled by Egypt's Jailan Atef. She has a website available here at this link
We all know what proper khimar is (or we hope ya'll do) and some of these designs are just a scarf. Please adapt them to maintain the proper modesty. I warn you, I might be posting a tonne of bridal stuff because I might throw a very small walima for myself and my non-muslim family who never got to attend my nikah (including my parents) in a few month's time. MIGHT remains a key word. Anyways, I am always planning looks anyways, so even if it doesn't happen right now it won't be a waste. On the look above the hair is hanging out, there is no chest or even neck coverage but the veil itself is kinda pretty. I like the pearls on this headpiece.

I love the colours in this one. I am a creme girl, rather than all-white. The feather harkens back to the Versailles fixation I have:D One feather=Versailles. Alot of feathers though, tend to equal chicken. Not so elegant.

This one is too show-girl for me but if I had more Korean features like a girlfriend of mine I would think about it, plus a few flowers, sort of like the traditional headpieces worn by certain Asian brides.

I don't like this one at all. I don't know why. It kinda reminds me of a Christmas tree with streaming lights and tinsel and an Angel on top. Sorry if you like it:D

Pretty. But too top heavy for my head.

This one kinda reminds me of She-Ra, princess of power. I would not wear it. Love the neck coverage though.

This one would look excellent on my mother's face shape. Too overwhelming on most women though. On most women we'll be going, "that's alot of tulle" rather than "that's a lovely bride".

If it weren't for the silver sequins I might have liked this one. I HATE sequins on Bridal-ANYTHING. To me they are tacky and costume-ish, like my old figure skating costumes. Sequins are for costumes, unless they are done with a TONNE of class. I don't have enough class to pull of silver glittering sequins on my head. I just don't.

Very elegant. If I do wear niqab to this event this is how I'll style my hijab with my white niqab also flipped to the side and clipped with a pretty brooch. As a hijab though, it is just a scarf and if we are to hijabify it with neck coverage, on me it looks pirate-ish. Hip for a guest. Hip isn't what I want to be as a bride. Though I know one sister who could pull it off.

Pretty pretty brooches, I shall definately make use of you if I don't use a tiarra or headpiece.:D You can find pretty ones at Western Bridal Boutiques.

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