Assalamualaikum and a very good morning.....
What a wonderful bright day it is. I can feel the morning breeze coming through the window and the birds are chirping happily outside. The Sun is shining brightly and I believe today will be one cheerful Sunday. And I'm here at my table looking through the bills and sorting out my schedule for this week. Hmmm... life here is so calm and peaceful. Alhamdulillah. I wish you all,

Before I get busy with all my work, I'd like to share 3 wonderful awards.

The One Lovely Blog Award was a gift from Hajar of A Voice In The Clouds. She gave me that award maybe a month ago but due to my busy situation, I manage to upload it today. A lot of THANKS to dear Hajar.
The GREEN Bertuah Award 2009 was a present from Sasha of Sasha & Hazrin. Thank you Sha for the fresh coloured award. I just like it because the colour is one of my fav. Green is always good for me.
While the last one, the pinkish ribbon award or Uber Amazing Blog Award was from Syazana of Berjalan Melihat Mentafsir. Although our friendship is still new, Syaz has managed to make me feel appreciated. Thank you Syaz.
As for showing them my appreciation and gratefulness, I'd like to share all 3 awards with all the interesting people in my Acquaintances' list at the side bar.
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