I came across this forum earlier talking about pink hijab day, mainly males saying pink hijabs were immodest and the whole idea of a pink hijab day was, and I quote, 'gay'. I've never never read such a whole load of rubbish in my life. Anyway, there was a poll where 44% thought that pink hijabs were immodest, 28% thought they weren't and rest were undecided. I mean there's one thing saying a skin tight pink dress coupled with a tiny little bright pink scarf and 6 inch pointy heels isn't hijab but to think that all pink headscarves are immodest is ludicrous and quite frankly makes me mad to think it was some stuck up man who wears want he wants that said it. On top of this, they completely ignore the fact that the whole point of pink hijab day is to raise money for breast cancer awareness, grrrrr! To prove these ignorant, judgmental people wrong, here are some pretty, pink and modest hijabs:Not just a pink hijab but a pink abaya too!
Soo cute, I love this dusty shade of pink, I want that scarf!
Pink shamaghs all the way!
Smart hijabi, all in pink and still modest:
Muna's back, in pink of course and a cool tie-dye headscarf:
A very pretty and modest malay hijab:
And a pink prayer outfit for good measure, wonderful!
And lastly, a pink hijab outfit I made just for the occasion:
Hope you all like pink hijabs too! :D
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