It looks bright and lovely outside while I'm shivering inside this office since 9 this morning. Alhamdulillah, it's another beautiful day. However, deep inside my heart I silently pray for Palestine. Although people keep saying, "enough is enough" to Israel, nevertheless the horror towards Palestinians is still going on. The Regime maybe doesn't have any ears to listen to the World's plea. They are one stubborn and cruel hyenas. And here I'm praying to Allah Subhanahuwata'ala for the Palestinian's (Muslims & non-Muslims) peace, if not on this world then in the Hereafter.
Alright. What I'm actually trying to share is that dear Hajar of A Voice In The Clouds has tagged me a few days ago. Oh, dear. This tagging game really has become a part of our blogger's world and you like it or not, just try to cooperate. I know, some people would say, just ignore it if you don't like it. Well, after all this is a game to bring us closer. And I'd like to be a good friend as long as the tag is not something 'lagho' or wicked.
Let's see what the rules are:
- first list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!
- pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.
- I'm a Muslim and love being a Muslim and I'm really proud that I'm doing my best to fulfill my 'amanah' as His humble servant. I've devided my time to 5 important aspects of being a wife, a manegeress, a student, a religious activist and an entrepreneur. I know many people out there are doing more than me, well that's all that I can do now. Maybe it'll be different when I have a baby.
- One thing that I need to do everyday is reading. I read Quran twice a day, insya-Allah after Maghrib and after Subuh. And apart from the Quran, I read books, lots of books. Maybe that's why Allah has granted me with a job at a library and blessed me with some energy to open up a specialty bookshop. Alhamdulillah.
- I'm not a good listener because I'm a talker. That's why my husband listens and I talk but after 2 years of marriage, he talks and I listen. And I've been listening for almost 5 years now. Hahaha...
- I love food especially my Ummi's cooking. Kelantanese has a variety of food and whoever pay a visit to our local food markets would be mesmerized by the colourful arrays of food (dishes) with so many different taste although most would be custamaryly sweet. For those who have sweet tooth, this would be heaven. And I love baking bread and pizzas for my family and friends although I'm not much of an eater.
- I think I'm friendly. Hehehe... don't laugh at me for being obvious. However, I do believe it's true. I leave that for you to judge.
- I'm probably a blogger addict - I'll online starting at usually 6.30 am and my laptop will only be off sometime after midnight. So... how long was that? Argh... my back site. It's killing me right now.
- I started wearing niqaab at the age of 22 during the first week of Ramadhan when I was in 2nd year at the University. Still remember the trials of wearing it in the university's compound, it's against the rule. You can wear short short skirts or shorts but you can't wear niqaab. Heh, I know... I usually take off the niqaab when I'm in class.
- I'm not a good money manager. I don't know how to be thrifty when I'm in front of a bookstore or a shoes store or a bags store. That's why I limit my visit to shopping malls to thrice a month. Twice for buying groceries and once for leisure.
- I love black, purple, red and green. If you open up my wardrobe your eyes will be blinded by these colours and I only have one blue 'jubah', a gift from my sister's trip to Bandung.
- I wish I'm taller. My height now is only 150 cm, a typical Malay height but I still think it's too short. Because of my height and size, I was nickname 'budak kechik' or small kid that later on was shorten to be CHIK and all this started when I was in Standard One (7 years old) in 1981. And look what happen to me? I'm always 'kechik'.
Now, let's see who's going to be receiving my tag. Upon looking at my list at the sidebar, I'm dreadfully passing this tag to:
- Farah of Mommy Otai
- Maryam Azizuddin of Have a Cup of Cappuccino
- Sasha of hazrin & Sasha
- Miss Zaza of Aku & Hati
Hajar, I think I'm finish. Not very interesting right? I'm a boring person.
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