Reading and watching news lately has become so bothersome.
I can't stand long enough to listen to all the horror and the sadness that I feel.
It's so sad. It's so cruel. It's really unjust.
The whole family is trying to avoid the news at 8 pm.
We prefer to read the Quran until Isyak and make lots of doa for all Muslims in this world.
I'm helpless to do more. I wish I could.
My friends,
Let's together pray for our sisters & brothers in Palestine.
Let's pray for their safety.
Let's pray for our deen.
Let's pray that they will always be strong.
Let's do something that can make sure that help in any way can reach them.
I wish I'm stronger in faith and financially rich so that I can let myself be there.
A friend said that Indonesia has sent 1000 soldiers to Palestine, true or not, I envy them.
Going for Jihad in Palestine means Syahid is in front of them if they are Mukhlisun.
O Allah, please help them.
Let them be free.
Free from the Israel occupation.
Please, please let Palestine be free.
O Allah, show your mercy.
Palestine has been like that for so long, give them a chance to be free.
My friends,
We know who is responsible for all the cruel actions.
The news said that it's America that has given free reign to Israel to enter Gaza.
"Kill only Hamas but let civilians free." was only their rhetoric to me.
It's all a lie.
Zionist would never understand that.

From the bottom of my heart, KakChik @ Nor
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