Friday, April 30, 2010
Going out in simple attire.
For those who like skirt and blouse, this is my idea for going out somewhere for today.
Make sure the blouse is loose, opaque, covers your bum nicely and this blue blouse looks suitable. However it's too pricey so find one that's reasonable.
Adorn yourself with simple jeweleries to give a little embellishment. Women are allowed to wear jeweleries as long as not very attention grabber. You do not want potential robbers aim you as their victim, right.
Covers your upper body parts with a simple long and big hijab matching nicely with the blouse and your skirt.
Then hooked on a pair of flat shoes and shouldered the same tone colored handbag.
Now, you are ready to go out with your family.
Where was I?
Friday, April 23, 2010
Exam Week - Be confident
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Exam Week - Blue for motivation.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Study Week - Today's Attire
I forgot to snap a picture of my handbag, but anyway, today's theme is purple on black but my handbag is red+black. Well, as a Muslimah with a career, we should always look smart, clean, tidy, elegant and efficient. We should try our best to be the walking example of a good Muslim to others. Even though I cover myself from head to toe, it does not mean that I cannot look good.
Looking good and feeling good with our presentation, is a kind of self-confidence. It is also a magnet for da'wah. For me, clothes are related with akhlaq, our behaviour. Insyaallah our appearance in front of others especially in a big Muslim community can help us influenced them to love Islam. This is from my own experience.
When we wear our dresses our akhlaq should tally with the way we dressed which is according to the teaching of Islam.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Just 24 And She's The Admin of a Big Mosque
Monday, April 19, 2010
Stripy Tee + Long Skirt = Perfect Hijab Combo
Being the copycat that I am, I decided to hijabify and slightly alter this look in the time that I should have been revising..
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Blog Makeover
I've just make a makeover to this blog and I hope it will look make it easy to download, browse and read. Making this makeover is one of the new things that I've planned for KakChik's Wardrobe. There are a few more which I have planned but so far not much has happen to the plan. Insyaallah... gradually I'll make improvement.
I am looking for more new muslimah shops, stores and boutiques around town to share with you. Since my life has become a bit crazier this year because of the final year with my DECE study and also the opening of my bookshop at the new location, I have been neglecting this blog a lot. And I am feeling so sorry about it.
So... while I find those wonderful and interesting places where women love to loiter, please take a look at the makeover and if you don't mind, say something about it.
Bye for now. Wassalam.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Kelantan - Soul Campus Part 1
What is our reason for saying that the State of Kelantan is an 'educational campus'? We say so because in order to achieve the intention of 'Membangun Bersama Islam' ...
... to be continued.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Kelantan International School
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Budget Western Fashion Meets Egyptian Hijab: Love It or Shove It?
What do you reckon? Would you actually wear any of these? :S
Monday, April 12, 2010
Drop by EightDesigns While On The Way to Radix Chicken House
Ahmina's Wedding Look Request

I would have loved to do a nice long post on the subject but I have loooots of revision to do so must dash but I have done a lot of other posts on similar subjects so have a browse through them for more ideas. Here are some that I think you would find useful:
The perfect combination for a formal look
Prom dresses - Hijab StyleSunday, April 11, 2010
It is now another new day for me. Alhamdulillah, thank you o Allah for giving me another opportunity to do good on this world. I really am going to improve myself in front of You. O Allah, please support me spiritually and physically during this journey. Amen.
Friday, April 9, 2010
It's the day my dad proudly say iqamah to my ears
It's the day that I came to this world screaming my heart out
It's the day Allah allowed me for the first time to breath His air
It's the day I was born
But... it's okay
Because since that day I have grown so much
Because since that day Allah has bestow upon me lots of love
Because since that day He has given me so many blessings
Because since that day I have learnt that I am only in transit on this world
Because since that day I know that I have a mission to complete
Because since that day I have matured gradually
Because since that day I realized that real love is only for You
Because since that day I can't force people to love me but I will pray that He does
I am only human, I crave for love
I am an unimportant individual, I look for recognition
I am part of a family, I thirst for appreciation
I am my own person, I wish to be accepted as I am
I am strong willed, I hope to be tamed
I am also weak inside, I silently cry for attention
I am doing my best to be a perfect wife, a filial daughter, an obedient servant of Allah
I am who I am
Whatever I do...
the others will come first
he will be the priority
my own satisfaction depends on the situation
Looks like my expectation is too much
I'm praying for appreciation that was none
no one seems to care
but alhamdulillah he remembers, that's what's important
that makes life meaningful
that makes my day.
Turn to Allah...
... you are the only one for me
Don't leave me alone
Only You remember me... that's my belief.
Thank you for giving me another day and a new year
I will always love You the best I could.
spontaneously by:
lone ranger, 10 April 2010
world of books
image is from here.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Sandy Hues

Monday, April 5, 2010
Have you taken a long, hard look in the mirror, lately ??
Have you taken a long, hard look in the mirror, lately ??
Have you ever thought WHY we are being disgraced, humiliated, beaten and killed?
Have you ever thought WHY all this is happening to the Muslims all over the world ??
Everyone is pointing fingers at the Muslims…
Islam is being given a bad name…Muslims are being accused.
Yeah, sure, it is very easy to blame the terrorists, the war in Iraq/Afghanistan or simply them for all our woes and worries.
But WHY IS IT SO DIFFICULT to look in the mirror and point the finger at ourselves ?
Look at us and our pathetic….pathetic state.
We have abandoned the basic teachings of our religion.
We don't know what does our Testimony of Faith (shahadah) means and what it implies.
We have totally abandoned our Salaah…or we delay it… or we rush through it.
We are too miserly to even think about Zakaat….so forget about optional charity.
We prefer to go for a vacation than to go for Hajj or Umrah.
We don't hate alcohol….we deal in ribaa….we steal….we cheat...we lie........we ......
We eat HARAAM, earn HARAAM and sell HARAAM.
We love to dress the latest, flaunt our body, love to use ur body, love to appear tempting and beautiful yet we hate use our minds and are ashamed to be modest or to put on the Hijaab.
We are quick to spend on ourselves in luxuries but dont even think about the orphans and the needy.
We waste our entire lives watching movies and television, and then complain that we dont have enough time to read, educate ourselves on Islaam and become better Muslims.
We are too addicted to music and video games to find time to listen to Quran, to read with understanding or memorize the Quraan.
We are too busy in our business, office, fun and games to fulfill our responsibilities of gaining basic Islamic Knowledge and performing obligatory acts obligated by ALLAH (SWT) on us.
And after all this, we have the audacity to wonder why Islam is being misrepresented?
And why Muslims are humiliated ??
And yet, we wonder why Allahs Victory has not yet arrived???
Hudhaifah (ra) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "By Him in Whose Hand my life is, you either enjoin good and forbid evil, or Allah will certainly soon send His punishment to you. Then you will make supplication and it will not be accepted". [At-Tirmidhi].
Prophet (SAS) said:"..Allaah will cast a humiliation upon you which would never be lifted from you until you return to your Religion." [Abu Dawood]
Does life go on as usual for the rest of us Muslims ??
Or are we to take a lesson from all these happenings ?
Dont we see that in it are signs for people to understand and reflect ?
“Surely, in that there are signs for those who contemplate.” (Surah 15: 75)
There is another step that we have to go to, in order to restore the honor of Islam, to re-establish the mark of distinction a Muslim deserves to enjoy.
We need to come back to Allaah!
We need to remember that the cause of all good in this world and the Hereafter is the obedience to Allaah and the cause of all evil is His disobedience.
We need to repent!
Whenever a calamity afflicts a community, the first step to take is to have a sincere repentance.
The repentance of every individual brings greater good and reduces calamities on the Muslims. Allaah says,
“And all of you beg Allaah to forgive you, O believers, that you may be successful.” (Surah An-Noor:31)
Victory or defeat, honor or disgrace, reverence or contempt, and successes or setbacks are not decided by money, resources, numbers or skills.
Rather, they are decided by the balance of obedience and disobedience of Allah. The more we obey Allah, both individually and collectively, the more we hasten the Victory of Islam.
The more we disobey Allah, the more we delay the Victory of this great religion of ours.
When Umar bin Al-Khattab dispatched his army to the Battle of Al-Qadisiyyah, he advised and how beautiful and correct was his advice:
“Fear your sins more than you fear the enemy as your sins are more dangerous to you than your enemy.”
One Muslims sins can affect the whole Ummah.
The moment we lapse in this obligation of enjoining good and forbidding evil we are in for destruction.
Every sin we commit delays the arrival of Allahs Victory.
Every Salaah we delay allows shaytaan and his human deputies a big upper hand to defeat us.
Every penny of ribaa we deal in…every drop of alcohol we sell….brings dishonor and humility to our Deen.
Every Hijaab-less, immorally dressed Muslimah is another cause of disgrace to the Ummah.
Every haraam we commit…every sin we indulge in…every law of Allaah we break…we bring on the Wrath of our Lord, Almighty….we place an obstacle in the path of Allahs Help and Assistance.
Every sin we commit is one more reason why Allah should not grant us relief, safety and victory. Rather, it is one more reason for shame, disgrace and dishonor.
Remember, one sin can make the difference between victory and defeat.
“But whoever helps Allah shall be helped by Him. Allah is the Strong, the Almighty.” (Surah 22: 40)
Allah has made a Promise to the Believers:
“Surely, We shall help Our Messengers and the believers both in this world and on the Day when the witnesses rise.” (Surah 40: 51)
And He also says:
“So do not weaken and do not grieve, for you will indeed be superior if you are truly believers.”
He promises us relief, support, supremacy and victory, but based on the condition that we are TRUE believers. But,…..are we truly believers ?
If we are suffering humiliation and disgrace today then it is definitely not because Allahs Promise is false. It is because of our own doings….what our own hands have earned.
“Corruption has appeared on land and sea with what the hands of the people earned. Therefore, they taste some of what they did in order that they return.“ (Surah 30: 41)
O Muslims, at times like these, we need to repent….we need to be patient….we need to be united…we need to truly come back to Allaah and learn the basic pillars of Islaam and apply them in our lives.
“Is it not time that the hearts of the believers be humbled to the Remembrance of Allah and the truth which He has sent down?” (Surah 57: 16)
“Turn to your Lord and surrender yourselves to Him before the punishment overtakes you, for then you will not be helped.” (Surah 39: 54)
We All LOVE Islam
But We Create Our Own Rules On How To Follow Islam.
Do We Really LIVE Islam ???
Finally, remember this words of our Prophet (SAS) "..Allaah will cast a humiliation upon you which would never be lifted from you until you return to your Religion." [Abu Dawood]
Styling Your Hijab To Suit Your Face Shape - Part 2

The model already has a roundish face, this style just makes her look like a football - a bald football.
.. I also suggested that Turkish hijab styles were the best for round faces as they make them appear longer and thinner if worn correctly, ie. covering the sides of the cheeks but leaving the chin and forehead free (the 1st picture illustrates the importance of the forehead when it comes to finding the right style for your face shape - not sure those two have got it right though..)

You can bring the 'shayla' as forward or back as you like; if you notice with the model below, had she brought it forward to sit across part of her cheeks, her face would have appeared longer. If she had taken it further back on the head, to reveal her cheeks, her face would have appeared rounder:

You can also use this concept to create the same style with scarves that you already have in your wardrobe:

Hope this helps!
Friday, April 2, 2010
This is the life of a Chief Minister of Kelantan on every Friday
- Going out in simple attire.
- Where was I?
- Exam Week - Be confident
- Exam Week - Blue for motivation.
- Study Week - Today's Attire
- Just 24 And She's The Admin of a Big Mosque
- Stripy Tee + Long Skirt = Perfect Hijab Combo
- Blog Makeover
- Kelantan - Soul Campus Part 1
- Easy Hijab Style
- Kelantan International School
- Budget Western Fashion Meets Egyptian Hijab: Love ...
- Drop by EightDesigns While On The Way to Radix Chi...
- Ahmina's Wedding Look Request
- Opportunity
- 36
- Sandy Hues
- Have you taken a long, hard look in the mirror, la...
- Styling Your Hijab To Suit Your Face Shape - Part 2
- This is the life of a Chief Minister of Kelantan o...