Beautiful folk dancers from Xhinjian, China visited my booth. They're here to perform during Ladies Nite. |
Monday, November 29, 2010
A chain of events
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Enough's Enough.

Friday, November 19, 2010
A Modest Outfit For Work

I know, I know, I am the world's worst blogger in the history of hijab bloggers.
But I have been busy and I have recently met with quite a few heads of Islamic education and this has always been a dream child of mine but...
What do you think of an Islamic University that can be taught jointly in English AND in Arabic, so that studies can be pursued in both lanuages at the same time?
I know I wanted that when I was a new convert.
Now this doesn't exist anywhere yet, but what about an Islamic University that teaches Islamic history and jurisprudence from every side? I mean, Sunni, Shia, Ibadhi, Sufi, what have you, and teachers the head of their feilds from all over the world leading classes through video so that you get the best from Madinah, Al Ahzar, Iran, and the West? As ya'll know, I need to buff up on my Jaffari shariah (since I am not Shia who am I to tell you what all shia believe right?). A university where true dialogue takes place, and no one school of thoughts takes precendance over the students' mind, only their rational skills, and the evidence, which they would be taught, through jurisprudence, and history (preIslamic, Seerah-era, Salafi, Caliphate, and Modern), as well as classical Arabic, Quran, tauhid, tafseer, ahadith, ect...
Through which students could choose to specialize in numerous feilds. Banking, family counselling, marriage counselling/divorce counselling and law, Imam training, Sheikh [teaching] training, Islamic art, Islamic music, Islamic media, Islamic marketing, Islamic medicine, Islamic sciences.... Having a course load similiar to other University programs which would be transferable for course credits at universities through out the world [both Islamic and Accademic], not only of a religious nature, but endeavoring to the richness of classical Islamic thought and achievments.
Think about it. Islam has so many areas of study.
- History, through all its periods, from historical as well as Islamic sources.
-including classical Arabic
-how to authenticate Islamic daleel (evidences)
-historical branches, such as shariah, and textiles, even archeology and anthropology
- Shariah and Islamic Jurisprudance
-schools of thought including ALL sects and madhabs
-specialized focus into developed subject realms as as Sheikh training and overall course for Imams
-dealing with Islam in the modern day
- Quran and Sunnah
-in terms of tauhid
-language and litterature
- Applications of Islamic Knowledge
-development of Islamic medium such as internet and television programming, articles, ect...
-development and conservation of knowledge and resources through archives and new articles and journals
-Islamic art and design
-Islamic music/dance [halal alternatives]
-Islamic banking
-Sadaqah management
-Family Management
-Community Managment
I see endless possibilities, and I am still brainstorming right now, how EXACTLY to get it off the ground. But if it were at all possible, how many of you would be interested, either as qualified teachers, or as students?
I mean, me personally, I am not all that into what they are teaching at Al Ahzar beyond language and old madhabs, and going to Iran to study is a bit scary for one whose written what I have (yet I like to read books from Iran). And Saudi is hard for female students unless they are married or have family there.
Sooo let me know what ya'll think.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
She Inpires Me: Amal Murad
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Simply beautiful, both the designer and the abaya. |
Monday, November 15, 2010
Eid Mubarak and All the Best for Hijabi Fashion Week Contest!
Eid Mubarak! I know some of us are already celebrating Eid today but for us Malaysian, it will be tomorrow. However I'd like to wish all of you Happy Eid-ul-Adha and may Allah bless you with lots of love.
And... I'd like to wish best of luck to all the sisters who have participate in the Hijabi Fashion Week contest. I've seen some of their sets and insyaallah I'll give my support even though I can't join HFW.
That's it. Have a nice and beautiful Eid!
Friday, November 12, 2010
It's easy to find colourful jilbab around this town.
Aren't you interested? |
Colourful choices. |
Women loved this kind of stalls. |
Another Style To Try
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Colour Mistakes

“Women’s usual mistake with colour is trying to colour match their entire outfit,” confides Kirsty Attwood, Styling Manager at Selfridges, London. “Gone are the days of the ‘matching shoe and bag’ combination - have fun and add an extra tone or colour to your outfit.”
2) Overkill
Coco Chanel told us to always take one accessory off, and she was right. Too many colours all at once is guaranteed to kill a look. Caroline Hodson, personal shopper at Harvey Nichols, London, has this advice: “Always have in mind that less is more! For example, a key trend this season is leopard print. It’s easy to make the mistake of wearing too much of this print, but when done subtly, say with black skinny trousers this is a fantastic look.”
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Request from Suraya
PIG CHARM PEARL BRACELET - Betsey Johnson, $200
Glitter Diamond Bangles - Teen Clothing by Wet Seal, $29
Lipgloss, 175 DKK
Strappy Metallic Heel - Teen Clothing by Wet Seal
Nokia touch screen
Igal Hijab Store
Abaya Suraya :: International Muslimahs' Apparel : Busana Muslimah...
I love your jalabiya Sue. It is very feminine and gorgeous. I would suggest you find a hijab with a darker tone of either pink or burgundy with some bling-bling on it. Find a pair of shoe also from the same colour tone. Matched them with a black shiny clutch to make your appearance a bit formal.
Use only a light make-up with a beautiful kohl applied around your eyes. Just enough to follow the sunnah and enhance a bit your self confidence to walk up that stairs and stand in front of the audience to receive your degree.
And as for the accessories, use some simple bangles maybe black + gold + pink, a bracelet and also a cute ring. Do not add to much.
If my suggestion is not to your liking, I'll be okay but I hope you shall like it.
Congratulation Suraya! Happy Graduation!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
My Personal Abaya Collection
So, this is a kind of entry that is intended to make me alert. A short intermission from all those confusing data. Let's talk about my wardrobe. Yes, the real KakChik's Wardrobe.
I think I've already shown you in another entry those inside look of my wardrobe. So, I won't be sharing any new photo of the same view. Why don't I show one by one some of my current abayaat collection? I have nearly 20 pieces of black abayaat which I wear daily and more than half of the collection is from Dubai.
Let's not waste anymore time and we proceed to the first photo.
My first abaya. It was from Indonesia. Has lots of beautiful neatly sewn beads on the chest. |
An abaya from Vietnam. It is decorated with beads and sequins. |
My favourite abaya for formal occasions. Lots of customers also like this Dubai abaya. |
My one and only Mecca abaya. Also my favourite. |
My 36th. birthday present. An expensive Dubai abaya which I love very much. |
My 2nd. butterfly abaya which the dressmaker named after my real name. |
An abaya from Qatar which was supposed to be a gift for a friend but turn out smaller than her normal size. Now it's mine. |
Another favourite abaya. I still remember the day I wore this abaya during a promotion, customers bought every size available because they think it's so gorgeous. |
The latest addition. The cutting is just right for me and it flows nicely when I wear it. |
That's not all but I think it's enough to share with you. Ever since I started wearing black abaya, I am not interested anymore in coloured abaya. I have give away all my jilbabs because I don't want to waste them inside my wardrobe. It's better if they can find a new owner who'll appreciate and wear them.
Enough said, I'm going to continue my work. Salam.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Long Black Skirt
Never give up!
I see what you're going through
It's an uphill climb, and I'm feeling sorry
But I know it will come to you
Don't surrender 'cause you can win
In this thing called love
When you want it the most there's no easy way out
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is
When you question me for a simple answer
I don't know what to say, no
But it's plain to see, if you stick together
You're gonna find a way, yeah
So don't surrender 'cause you can win
In this thing called love
When you want it the most there's no easy way out
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is
When life is empty with no tomorrow
And loneliness starts to call
Baby, don't worry, forget your sorrow
'Cause love's gonna conquer it all, all
When you want it the most there's no easy way out
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is
When you want it the most there's no easy way out
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is
That's the way it is
That's the way it is, babe
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is."
by Celine Dion
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Designs that I like...
All they need are a proper hijab to make a complete aurah covering.
What do you think of my choices?
If you want to have a look at more photos from the event, you can just click HERE.
Cardigans - Hijab Style

It's great because it's long and covered enough to just about let you get away with wearing skinny jeans without confusing people with that ever popular headscarf and skin tight clothing combo..
Here's an outfit idea:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Where was I?
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Anyway, I have good news for you. Starting from yesterday (sorry for telling you about this today) my abaya blogshop is having our 1st Anniversary Sale until the end of this month. And I haven't write a proper entry for it yet at ABAYA ELEGAN. I am in such a busy situation right now. To top it off, one of my assistance is in labour and the other one is a flood victim. (I think she managed to come to work today). They are my good assistances and they are having difficulties which I have to tolerate. Hopefully everything will be good for them after this.
I'm learning to be a good manager for my life. It's not always easy to jumble between family, work and businesses but I have lots of fun doing all that. Thankfully, I have a husband who's always support me especially when I came home tired. He'll help with the household chores and that'll make lots of my tasks easy. Alhamdulillah.
I think that's for now as an update about what's going on in my life recently. Insyaallah I'll try to reply all your comments and messages. Another thing before I forget, I haven't reply to some of your emails especially the long ones because it takes a bit of a time for me to think and compose my reply. Insyaallah I'll be sending the reply soon especially to adib, binetou, miza, aida and em. Thanks to all your emails.
Lots of love,
- A chain of events
- Enough's Enough.
- A Modest Outfit For Work
- Asalaam alaykom all:I know, I know, I am the world...
- She Inpires Me: Amal Murad
- Eid Mubarak and All the Best for Hijabi Fashion We...
- It's easy to find colourful jilbab around this town.
- Another Style To Try
- Colour Mistakes
- Request from Suraya
- My Personal Abaya Collection
- The Long Black Skirt
- Never give up!
- Designs that I like...
- Cardigans - Hijab Style
- Where was I?