Assalamualaikum and Ramadhan Mubarak.
How's everyone today? Hopefully all of you are high in eeman and great in health. I'm doing fine, alhamdulillah and trying to think what will I share here today. I'm going to my bookshop in about an hour because we are having a SALE today and one of my assistants just texted me that she's on EL.
Anyway, I think I'm gonna share some photos taken from the official facebook page of the Chief Minister of Kelantan. Since it was in a public page so I think it's ok for me to use the photos. Before that, I'd like to inform that every year since maybe 3 or 4 years ago, the state government has spared a special place in front of the state museum stadium as a Qaryah Ramadhan.
What is it, you might ask? Well, it is a place like this:
Part of the Qaryah Ramadhan. |
The women's section under the aircond-ized tents. |
Our beloved Chief Minister. |
Men's section. The lucky ones who came early can find a place inside the close tents. |
After the prayers, people want to shake and kiss his hand. |
The visiting imaams from Egypt. |
Look, who's here - Imam Muda Hizbur. |
Bring along your children so that they can learn lots of Islamic value. |
Foreign visitors can also experience the breaking of fast at the Qaryah Ramadhan. |
What a nice view to see. |
During solat. |
That is how we translate Qaryah Ramadhan. This place is use day and night but nigh time is the best. I'd love to give my thanks to all the friendly photographers who have shared the nice photos that they've taken at the Qaryah. Without them I would not be able to write this entry.
Welcome to Kelantan everyone! You'll experience 'living Islam'.
Visit Qaryah Ramadhan here: Dataran Stadium Sultan Muhammad Ke-IV, Kota Bharu
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