Have you ever seen a 'hijabi' who wears a short sleeved dress and pairs it with a long sleeved skin tight top underneath to cover her arms? How is the arm covered and hijabified when you can seen every single tiny lump, bump and curve through the material?! It is soo much more important to cover your entire body shape than your hair so here are some alternatives that are actually modest and I genuinely think they look better, fashion wise, than the horrible skin tight tops anyway! Here are some formal gowns with models wearing headscarves:

Instead of the top underneath, I would say add a long sleeved bolero, jacket or cardigan over the top. I would personally go for the latter 2 as they will also cover your waist line better. Here are formal gowns modelled but women wearing hijab:

This next picture is soo modest, the dress is a good length and the jeans are loose and un-reaveling. The only problem is the arm covering:
This women is also wearing a dress, but has properly covered her arms (and neck..). And I think the outfit looks so much better:
Now I must say at this point that I don't completely and utterly hate them, in fact I have a few myself! But I use them on dresses with 3/4 length or slightly sheer sleeves and sometimes underneath a top with very loose sleeves so that your arms stay covered even if the outer sleeve rides up. Here are some examples:

I love the last outfit, though I don't like the hijab style very much :S Anyway, next time you get told that one of your hijabi wardrobe essentials is a selection of tight long sleeved tops remember Surat Al Nur and make sure you know exactly how they should be worn and you'll live hijabily ever after :D
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